distance | into the ~, ke kejauhan: the ship sailed into the ~, kapal itu belayar ke kejauhan; keep o’s ~, menjauhkan diri dr: being shy, she kept her ~ from the other passengers, krn malu, dia menjauhkan diri dr penumpang-penumpang lain; keep so. at a ~, tdk mahu rapat dgn: she kept married men at a ~, dia tdk mahu rapat dgn lelaki yg sudah berkahwin; be no ~ at all, dekat betul; within hailing ~, sepelaungan; within walking ~, dekat, boleh berjalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
afar | adv 1. from a great distance, dr jauh; ~ off, di kejauhan; from ~, dr jauh; 2. to a great distance, jauh: he has travelled ~, dia telah jauh mengembara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
descry | vt (liter.), (ter)nampak: they descried campfires in the distance, mereka ternampak unggun api di kejauhan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gunshot | n 1. shot fired by guns, (bunyi) tembakan: he heard ~s in the distance, dia mendengar bunyi tembakan di kejauhan; ~ wound, luka kena tembak; 2. (range) jarak tembakan (senapang, meriam, dll): the ship was out of ~, kapal itu di luar jarak tembakan meriam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discern | vt (fml) perceive,a. (visually) melihat, nampak: they were able to ~ a house in the distance, mereka dapat melihat sebuah rumah di kejauhan; b. (with the mind) menanggap, mencerap: if only we could ~ his motives, kalaulah kita dapat menanggap niatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burr2 | n 1. whirring sound, (bunyi) /deru, deruan/; (of telephone) bunyi getar: the ~ of a car in the distance, bunyi deruan kereta kedengaran di kejauhan; 2. trilled ‘r’ made when speaking English, menggetarkan bunyi ‘r’: he speaks with a slight Irish ~, dia bercakap dgn menggetarkan bunyi ‘r’ spt orang Ireland; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bob1 | vi 1. move up and down repeatedly, terumbang-ambing, terkatung-katung: in the distance we could see the little boat ~bing in the water, di kejauhan kami dapat melihat perahu kecil itu terumbang-ambing di atas air; 2. (bow briefly) membongkokkan badan sececah; (curtsy briefly) merendahkan diri sececah: the little girl ~bed before the visitor, budak perempuan itu merendahkan diri sececah di hadapan tetamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cry | n 1. loud utterance, shout, a. (of pain, fear, grief, alarm, etc) jeritan, teriakan: we heard cries of “help” in the distance, kami terdengar teriakan “tolong” di kejauhan; b. (of triumph, joy etc) sorakan: the cries of the children at play, sorakan kanak-kanak yg sedang bermain; 2. announcing, calling out, teriakan: the cries of the flower girl, teriakan gadis penjual bunga; 3. call to action, laungan: battle ~, laungan perang; 4. spell of weeping, menangis: I feel a lot better after a good ~, saya berasa lega selepas menangis sepuas hati; 5. characteristic sound of animal, bird, [various translations]: the ~ of the owl, bunyi burung hantu; the ~ of the wolf, lolongan serigala; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far | adj 1. distant, a. (in space) jauh: he always dreamed about visiting ~ countries, dia selalu berangan-angan utk melawat negeri-negeri jauh; in the ~ distance, di kejauhan, (nun) jauh di sana; b. (in time) lama: in the ~ and distant past, lama dahulu; 2. more distant, [usu not translated], jauh: there used to be a cupboard at the ~ end of the room, dahulu, ada sebuah almari di hujung bilik itu; on the ~ side of the lake, jauh di sebelah sana tasik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bellow | n 1. roar (of bull etc) denguh, lenguh; 2. loud shout, pekik(an), jerit(an), tempik, keriau: his ~s could be heard from afar, pekikannya dapat didengar dr kejauhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |