championship | n 1. act of championing, perjuangan, usaha memperjuangkan: his ~ of human rights won him many supporters, perjuangannya thdp hak asasi manusia mendapatkannya ramai penyokong; 2. (competition) kejohanan, kejuaraan: World Tennis C~, Kejohanan Tenis Sedunia; 3. (position, title) gelaran /johan, juara/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crown | 4. any representation of a crown, (lambang) mahkota; 5. bird’s crest, jambul; 6. championship title, kejuaraan, kejohanan: the heavyweight boxing ~, kejuaraan tinju heavyweight; 7. (coin) crown; 8. top part, a. (of hill, mountain) puncak, mercu, b. (of head) mercu kepala; c. (of tree) silara; 9. (of tooth) korona; 10. the highest point of achievement, puncak: the ~ of o’s labours, puncak usaha sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expectation | ~ of life, jangkaan /umur, hayat/; /against, contrary to /(all) ~(s), bertentangan drpd apa yg /dijangka, diharapkan/: Williams, against all ~s, won the world championship, Williams, bertentangan drpd apa yg dijangka, memenangi kejohanan dunia itu; beyond /~, o’s ~s /, better than was hoped for, lebih baik drpd yg diharapkan: the concert was beyond our ~, konsert itu lebih baik drpd yg kami harapkan; /fall short of, not come up to/ so’s ~s, tdk sebaik spt yg sso harapkan: I always enjoy listening to his albums, but his latest hit single really fell short of my ~s, saya selalu seronok mendengar albumnya, tetapi lagu hit terbarunya tdk sebaik spt yg saya harapkan; live up to so’s ~s, memenuhi jangkaan sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cup | n 1. (vessel for drinking) cawan, cangkir: ~s and saucers, cawan dan piring; 2. also cupful, cawan, cangkir: two ~s of flour, dua cawan tepung; 3. (prize, trophy) piala: the Thomas C~, Piala Thomas; 4. championship competition, esp in sport, Kejohanan Piala: F.A. C~, Kejohanan Piala F.A.; 5. (of bra) mangkuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eligible | 4. (sl) murder in cold blood, menghapuskan: their leader must be ~d at all costs, tdk boleh tdk, ketua mereka mesti dihapuskan; 5. exclude from contest, terkeluar: he was ~d from the Wimbledon Championships in the first round, dia terkeluar dr Kejohanan Wimbledon dlm pusingan pertama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
account | /bring, call/ so. to ~ (for his action, behaviour, etc) meminta sso memberikan /keterangan, penjelasan/ (ttg tindakannya, kelakuannya dll); /by, from/ all ~s, menurut /kata, cerita/ orang, menurut berita yg tersebar; by o’s own ~, menurut kata(-kata) sso sendiri; give a good ~ of os, /menunjukkan, memperlihatkan/ kebolehan sso: she gave a good ~ of herself in the tennis tournament, dia telah menunjukkan kebolehannya dlm kejohanan tenis itu; of /great, some, little, no/ ~, /sangat, agak, tdk berapa, tdk/ penting; on ~, secara kredit; on ~ of st, /kerana, oleh sebab/ sst, disebabkan sst: the flight was delayed on ~ of bad weather, penerbangan itu ditangguhkan kerana cuaca buruk; on o’s own ~, a. at o’s own risk, dgn menanggung sendiri segala kemungkinan, atas tanggungan sendiri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |