stability | n kestabilan; (of structure) kekukuhan: the writer claimed that these factors are undermining the political ~ of the country, penulis itu mendakwa bahawa faktor-faktor ini mengganggu-gugat kestabilan politik negara tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
solidity, solidness | n quality, condition of being firm, strong, keteguhan, kekukuhan; (of person) boleh diharap: triangular bracing would improve the ~ of the structure, perembatan segi tiga akan menambah keteguhan struktur itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
firmness | n 1. solidness, kepejalan: this strain of pear is popular because of the ~ of its flesh, buah pir jenis ini disukai krn kepejalan isinya; 2. secureness, keteguhan, kekukuhan, keeratan; 3. compactness, kepadatan; 4. (strength of grasp) eratnya, keeratan: the ~ of the sick woman’s grasp was surprising, eratnya pegangan tangan perempuan yg sakit itu menghairankan; 5. definiteness, ketegasan; (of decision, offer) ketegasan, kemuktamadan, muktamadnya; (of opinion, belief) ketegasan, kekukuhan, keteguhan; 6. resoluteness, ketegasan: there was no mistaking the ~ in her voice, ketegasan dlm suaranya ketara sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impregnability | n 1. quality, state of being unconquerable, tdk dapat ditawan; 2. quality, state of being unshakeable, kekukuhan, kukuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stability | the ~ of the German mark, kestabilan mata wang mark Jerman; the erosion, if not stopped, might affect the ~ of the bridge, hakisan itu, jika tdk dihentikan, mungkin akan menjejaskan kekukuhan jambatan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
proof | adj; ~ against st, a. be protection against, (weather) tahan dgn; (temptation) menyebabkan sso tahan: this fabric is no ~ against the cold, fabrik ini tdk tahan dgn cuaca sejuk; his strength of character is ~ against temptation, kekukuhan peribadinya menyebabkan dia tahan dgn godaan; b.have protection against, tahan (dgn): not many are ~ against such temptations, tidak ramai orang yg tahan dgn godaan spt itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |