advantage | n 1. Superiority,< kelebihan: she had the ~ of knowing many languages, dia mempunyai kelebihan krn mengetahui banyak bahasa; 2. favourable factor, circumstance, etc, kebaikan: the ~s of the plan far outweigh the disadvantages, kebaikan-kebaikan rancangan itu jauh melebihi keburukannya; a position which to him was more of a handicap than an ~, kedudukan yg baginya lebih merupakan kelemahan drpd kebaikan; 3. benefit, faedah, manfaat: he gained little ~ from the course, sedikit sahaja faedah yg diperolehnya drpd kursus itu; 4. (tennis) faedah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advantage | be of ~ (to) berfaedah (bagi), bermanfaat (bagi): such an action would be of little ~ to him, tindakan demikian tdk begitu berfaedah baginya; give so. an ~ over, memberi sso kelebihan drpd: his years of experience gave him an ~ over his colleagues, pengalamannya yg bertahun-tahun memberinya kelebihan drpd rakan sepejabatnya; have /an, the/ ~ over so., mempunyai kelebihan yg mengatasi sso: financially, he had the ~ over most of his rivals, dr segi kewangan dia mempunyai kelebihan yg mengatasi kebanyakan saingannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
going | have /so much, nothing/ ~ for one, (colloq), /ada banyak, tdk ada apa-apa/ kelebihan: I can’t understand why you want to leave – you have so much ~ for you here, saya tdk faham mengapa kamu hendak herhenti ada banyak kelebihan bagi kamu di sini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
absolute majority | n /majoriti, kelebihan undi/ mutlak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
by | he won the election ~ 120 votes, dia memenangi pilihan raya itu dgn kelebihan 120 undi; 8. according to, in accordance with, mengikut, menurut: ~ the terms of Article 3..., mengikut syarat-syarat Perkara 3...; it’s 10.30 ~ my watch, mengikut jam saya, pukul 10.30; ~ what he says..., mengikut cakapnya...; he plays ~ the rules, dia bertindak mengikut peraturan; don’t judge them ~ our standards, jangan nilai mereka mengikut asas nilaian kita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
edge | give so. the ~ of o’s tongue, /meleteri, memarahi/ sso: his mother gave him the ~ of her tongue when he came home late, ibunya meleterinya apabila dia pulang lambat; have the ~ on so., (colloq) mempunyai kelebihan yg mengatasi (sso): the Malaysian team has the ~ on their opponents, pasukan Malaysia mempunyai kelebihan yg mengatasi lawannya; be on ~, gelisah, resah, kelesah: he is always on ~ when he is waiting for the results to be announced, dia selalu gelisah apabila menunggu keputusan diumumkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
big | adj 1. of considerable size, number, amount, etc, besar; (of shoulder) besar; (of chest) bidang, besar: the child is ~ for his age, budak itu besar bagi umurnya; the ~ house opposite the school, rumah besar di hadapan sekolah itu; a ~ field for grazing, padang besar tempat meragut rumput; a ~ fleet of battle ships, angkatan besar kapal perang; a ~ drop in prices, kejatuhan besar harga; elected by a ~ majority, dipilih dgn kelebihan undi yg besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gain | vt 1. acquire, obtain, mendapat, [sometimes memperoleh]; (with pers pron) menyebabkan [sso] mendapat [sst]: he ~ed a large sum of money out of the deal, dia mendapat jumlah wang yg banyak drpd urus janji itu; there is nothing to be ~ed by rudeness, kita tdk mendapat apa-apa pun dgn berlaku biadab; to ~ valuable experience, memperoleh pengalaman yg tdk ternilai; to ~ knowledge, memperoleh pengetahuan; to try to ~ so’s sympathy, cuba mendapatkan simpati; to ~ an advantage over o’s competitor, dia mendapat kelebihan utk mengatasi saingannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bare | 4. without the usual furnishings, tdk berhias: a ~ room, bilik yg tdk berhias; 5. mere, plain, sahaja, hanya: the ~ outline of the plot, hanya garis kasar plot itu; he weighed a ~ 50 kg, berat badannya hanya 50 kg; the ~ facts, hakikat yg sebenarnya; 6. basic, asas: ~ /essentials, necessities/, keperluan-keperluan asas; 7. empty, kosong: the ~ book shelves, rak-rak buku yg kosong; 8. very low, sedikit sahaja: by a ~ majority, dgn kelebihan undi yg sedikit sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |