back number | n 1. (of magazine etc) keluaran kebelakangan; 2. (sl) old-fashioned person, (orang yg) /kolot, kuno, ketinggalan zaman/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
derivable | adj 1. obtainable, boleh /diperoleh, didapati/: a product ~ from petroleum, barang keluaran yg boleh diperoleh drpd petroleum; 2. deducible, boleh /diperoleh, didapati, dideduksi/; 3. traceable, boleh /disusur-galurkan, dikesan asalnya/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aggregate | adj 1. total, jumlah; (tech ) agregat: ~ wages, upah agregat; ~ output, keluaran agregat; 2. (biol ) agregat: ~ fruit, buah agregat; 3. (geol) batu baur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cheapen | vt 1. menurunkan harga, memurahkan: the development of synthetic rubber has ~ed our product, penciptaan getah sintetik telah menurunkan harga keluaran kami; 2. (fig.) memurahkan: she ~s herself by flirting, dia memurahkan dirinya dgn bermain cinta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
-based | adj 1. having as fundamental ingredient, berasaskan [sst], yg menggunakan [sst] sbg bahan /dasar, asas/: rubber ~ products, hasil keluaran yg berasaskan getah; 2. having base on, in, etc, a. (mil) /berpangkalan, bertempat/ di: carrier ~ aircraft, kapal terbang yg berpangkalan di kapal induk: land ~ forces, angkatan bersenjata yg berpangkalan di darat; b. (other than military) yg /berpusat, pusat operasinya, mempunyai pusat operasi/ di: a Penang ~ company, syarikat yg pusat operasinya di Pulau Pinang; 3. having a basis, mempunyai asas, [adj] asasnya: a soundly ~ argument, hujah yg kukuh asasnya; 4. having as base, berpuncakan, berdasarkan: Spanish is Latin ~, bahasa Sepanyol berpuncakan bahasa Latin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ballyhoo | n 1. noisy, sensational publicity, gembar-gembur, kehebohan: the ~ surrounding the launching of the product, gembar-gembur di sekitar pelancaran barang keluaran baru itu; 2. noisy touting, jerit pekik; 3. bombastic nonsense, temberang, gembar-gembur: all that talk is mere ~, cakap-cakap itu semua temberang sahaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lag 1 | vi 1. fall behind, ketinggalan: the walkers set off at a brisk pace but Mary soon began to ~, pelumba-pelumba berjalan dgn cepat tetapi Mary mula ketinggalan; she does well in English but ~s far behind in Maths, dia bagus dlm bahasa Inggeris tetapi jauh ketinggalan dlm Matematik; 2. (fig.) drop, jatuh: production has ~ged due to political unrest, hasil keluaran jatuh akibat keadaan politik yg kucar-kacir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defect | n 1. fault, flaw, a. (in appearance, form) kecacatan: ~s in the wood, kecacatan yg terdapat pd kayu itu; to examine a product for ~s, meneliti bahan keluaran sekiranya ada kecacatan; b. (in function) kerosakan: a ~ in the mechanism, kerosakan pd mekanisme; c. (in character, nature) kelemahan, kecacatan: a ~ in o’s character, kelemahan pd peribadi sso; moral ~, kecacatan moral; 2. deficiency, a. (in regularity, soundness of form or structure) kelemahan, kekurangan: ~s in an administrative system, kelemahan dlm sistem pentadbiran; there are several ~s in the design, terdapat beberapa kelemahan dlm reka bentuk itu; b. (ref to eyesight, hearing) rosak: he has a hearing ~, pendengarannya rosak; c. (ref to memory) kelemahan, lemah; d. (ref to speech) kecacatan, cacat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
demonstrate | vt 1. show clearly, menunjukkan: he ~d his anger by snapping at everyone, dia menunjukkan kemarahannya dgn menengking semua orang; 2. show the workings of, mendemonstrasikan, menunjuk cara: the salesman ~d the uses of the new product, jurujual menunjuk cara menggunakan keluaran baru itu; 3. show, prove by reasoning or evidence, membuktikan: to ~ the falsity of the testimony, membuktikan kepalsuan testimoni itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | before he could proceed with the plan, his rival had already cut the ~ from under his feet, sebelum dia sempat menjalankan rancangannya, lawannya telah memintasinya; gain ~, (fig.) semakin diterima: the new theory is slowly gaining ~, teori baru itu mula diterima sedikit demi sedikit; gain ~ on, (lit. & fig.) hampir menyamai: he was fast gaining ~ on the other runners, dgn cepat dia hampir menyamai pelari-pelari lain; diversification of products will help us gain ~ on our competitiors, pempelbagaian keluaran akan membantu kita hampir menyamai | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |