inlet | n 1. arm of the sea, lake, etc, serokan: the coast is irregular with many bays and ~s, pantai itu berkeluk-keluk dan terdapat teluk dan serokan yg banyak; 2. opening by which liquid enters (device, machine, etc) salur masuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
curve | n 1. smooth, bending line, lengkung(an), lengkok: the ~ of the rainbow, lengkungan pelangi; the ~ of her eyebrows, lengkok alisnya; 2. bend in the road, selekoh: a road full of sharp ~s, jalan yg penuh dgn selekoh-selekoh yg tajam; 3. line representing data on graph, lengkung, keluk: the annual sales performance ~, keluk prestasi jualan tahunan; 4. (in pl) curved parts of woman’s body, potongan badan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
demand | n 1. peremptory request, desakan; (for what one believes to be o’s rights) tuntutan: a child’s ~ for attention, desakan seorang anak utk mendapat perhatian; all ~s for payment of the bill were ignored, semua tuntutan bayaran tdk dipedulikan; the union’s ~s are quite reasonable, tuntutan-tuntutan kesatuan itu agak wajar; 2. urgent, pressing claim, tuntutan, desakan: the ~s on o’s time, tuntutan thdp masa sso; 3. (econ) permintaan: supply and ~, penawaran dan permintaan; the ~ for skilled labour, permintaan utk pekerja-pekerja mahir; ~ curve, keluk permintaan; ~ price, harga permintaan; ~ schedule, jadual permintaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |