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kemarau (adjektif)
Bersinonim dengan kering, gersang, tiada berair, tiada hujan;,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

droughtn 1. excessive dryness, kemarau: the crops were destroyed by ~, tanaman itu musnah akibat kemarau; 2. period of scanty rainfall, (musim) kemarau: the ~ lasted for a year, musim kemarau itu berlarutan sehingga setahun.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
affect 1 vt 1. act upon esp adversely, (act.) menjejaskan; (pass.) terjejas: the dry season ~ed the rice crop, musim kemarau menjejaskan hasil padi; heavy rain did not ~ the attendance at the match, hujan lebat tdk menjejaskan kehadiran penonton di perlawanan itu; smoking ~s health, merokok menjejaskan kesihatan; 2. involve, concern, (act.) melibatkan; (pass.) terlibat: this order ~s all public servants, perintah ini melibatkan semua kakitangan awam; these restrictions ~ canned food particularly, sekatan-sekatan ini melibatkan makanan dlm tin khususnya; a decision that ~s me personally, keputusan yg melibatkan saya secara peribadi; 3. influence, mempengaruhi: soil conditions ~ plant growth, keadaan tanah mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman; facts that ~ed the findings, fakta-fakta yg mempengaruhi kesimpulan yg dicapai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hardadj 1. firm, unyielding, keras; (of body, muscle, etc) pejal, keras: the ground was ~ because of the drought, tanah itu keras akibat kemarau; a ~ mattress, tilam yg keras; ~ muscles, otot yg pejal; 2. severe, unkind, keras; (of words) kasar: his father was a ~ man, bapanya keras orangnya; be ~ on so., bersikap keras thdp sso; 3. forceful, kuat: a ~ blow on the head, pukulan yg kuat di kepala; 4. performing st with great intensity, persistence, etc, kuat: a ~ worker, orang yg kuat bekerja; a ~ drinker, orang yg kuat minum arak; a ~ smoker, orang yg kuat merokok; 5. requiring much effort, berat: ~ work, kerja yg berat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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