back | adv 1. towards the rear, ke belakang: to step ~, melangkah ke belakang; 2. at a position behind, di belakang: a few miles ~, beberapa batu di belakang; 3. in the past, dahulu, dulu: it happened ~ in the days of Queen Victoria, peristiwa itu berlaku pd zaman Ratu Victoria dahulu; 4. ago, lalu, lepas, dahulu, dulu: a few days ~, beberapa hari lalu; 5. a. (to o’s home, country) pulang, balik: my husband will be ~ at six o’clock, suami saya akan pulang pd pukul enam; b. (to a former place, position or condition) kembali, balik: the manager is out, but he is expected ~ at any minute, pengurus tdk ada, tetapi dia dijangka kembali pd bila-bila masa sekarang; he is ~ in his old post again, dia sudah kembali ke jawatannya yg lama; to nurse so. ~ to health, merawat sso hingga pulih kembali; 6. in return, balik, kembali, [sometimes not translated ]: if he hits you, hit him ~!, kalau dia memukul kamu, (kamu) pukul dia balik!; ask him to ring me ~ when he is not busy, minta dia menelefon saya kembali apabila dia lapang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disgorge | vt 1. vomit, memuntahkan: a volcano disgorging lava, gunung berapi yg memuntahkan lava; 2. (colloq) give up, hand back, menyerahkan kembali: to ~ ill-gotten gains, menyerahkan kembali keuntungan yg diperoleh secara haram; 3. pour out, melimpah; (crowds of people) berduyun-duyun keluar: the burst pipes ~d gallons of water, bergelen-gelen air melimpah dr paip-paip yg bocor; to ~ /itself, its waters/ into, melimpah ke: the Mississippi ~s its waters into the Gulf of Mexico, air sungai Mississippi melimpah ke Teluk Mexico. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back-pedal | vi 1. pedal backwards, mengayuh (basikal) ke belakang; 2. (fig.) menarik /balik, kembali/ (+ approp n): when he met with strong opposition, he ~led, apabila ditentang hebat, dia menarik balik tuntutannya; a politician ~ling on earlier promises, ahli politik yg menarik balik janji-janji yg telah dibuatnya dahulu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bob1 | ~ up, (colloq) a. float quickly to the surface, timbul; b. reappear suddenly, /timbul, muncul/ /semula, kembali/: he ~s up in the most unlikely places, dia timbul semula di tempat-tempat yg tdk diduga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contrary | adj 1. opposed, opposite, bertentangan; (of words) berlawanan: ~ to the doctor’s advice, he went back to work the very next day, bertentangan dgn nasihat doktor, dia kembali bekerja keesokan harinya; the result is ~ to our expectation, keputusan itu berlawanan dgn harapan kami; his conduct is ~ to the rules of the school, tingkah lakunya bertentangan dgn peraturan sekolah; ~ opinions, pendapat yg bertentangan; “fast” and “slow” are ~ terms, “cepat” dan “lambat” ialah kata yg berlawanan; 2. (of wind) sakal; 3. obstinate, difficult, suka membantah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
former | adj 1. olden, dahulu, dulu, silam: the costumes of ~ days, pakaian masa dahulu; in ~ times, pd zaman dahulu; 2. of the past, dahulu, dulu: he will never regain his ~ power, dia tdk mungkin mendapat kembali kuasanya yg dahulu; be o’s ~ self, spt diri sso /dahulu, dulu/: she is certainly not her ~ self, dia tdk spt dirinya dahulu; 3. having been at a previous time, bekas: he is a ~ pupil of mine, dia bekas murid saya; his ~ wife, bekas isterinya; 4. first mentioned of two, pertama, awal: in the ~ case, dlm hal pertama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deletion | n 1. act of deleting, pemotongan, pencoretan: the ~ of dated phrases from the script, pemotongan ungkapan-ungkapan lapuk drpd skrip itu; 2. st deleted, bahagian yg /dipotong, dicoret/: some ~s have been restored, beberapa bahagian yg dipotong telah dimasukkan kembali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conference | n 1. convention, persidangan: an international ~ on lexicography, persidangan antarabangsa ttg leksikografi; 2. meeting, mesyuarat; in ~, sedang bermesyuarat: I’m afraid you’ll have to call back, sir. The manager’s in ~ now, minta maaf, tuan terpaksa menelefon kembali. Pengurus kami sedang bermesyuarat sekarang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foray | n 1. raid, serbuan: they made a ~ into enemy-held territory, mereka membuat serbuan di kawasan yg ditawan oleh musuh; 2. brief attempt to become involved in particular activity, penglibatan singkat: he returned to teaching after his unsuccessful ~ into politics, dia kembali mengajar selepas penglibatan singkatnya yg tdk berjaya dlm bidang politik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
calm | adj 1. still, not windy or stormy, tenang: ~ weather, keadaan cuaca yg tenang; the ~ sea, laut yg tenang; 2. quiet, peaceful, tenang, tenteram: a ~ atmosphere, suasana yg tenang; the town is ~ again after the rioting, bandar itu tenang kembali selepas rusuhan; 3. composed, unagitated, tenang: he was ~ during the entire proceedings, dia tenang sahaja sepanjang perbicaraan itu; to speak in a ~ voice, bercakap dgn suara yg tenang; keep ~, bertenang; remain ~, (terus) bertenang, tenang sahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |