Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[é.sé.tan] | کمليسيتن

Definisi : keadaan meleset, kemunduran (perdagangan dll). (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[é.sé.tan] | کمليسيتن

Definisi : keadaan meleset: ~ ekonomi telah mendatangkan kesan buruk kpd pembangunan. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
meleset2 (kata kerja)
Bersinonim dengan merosot, mundur, menurun, menyusut, lembap;,
Kata Terbitan : kemelesetan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

depressionn 1. concavity, lekukan: a ~ in the ground, lekukan dlm tanah; 2. (econ) kemelesetan; 3. dispiritedness, kesedihan, kemurungan; 4. (meteorol) tekanan rendah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
labour~ under, struggle against, bergelut dgn: the government has been ~ing under recession for the past few years, kerajaan telah bergelut dgn kemelesetan utk beberapa tahun yg lalu; ~ under a /delusion, misapprehension, etc/, salah anggap;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
factapart from the ~ that, selain: apart from the ~ that there was economic recession, the company was also beset by internal problems, selain berlakunya kemelesetan ekonomi, syarikat itu juga menghadapi masalah dalaman; as a matter of ~, in (point of) ~, a. in reality, (yg) sebenarnya: he was not at home, as a matter of ~ he was with me all the time, dia tdk ada di rumah, sebenarnya dia berada bersama-sama saya sepanjang waktu itu; b. indeed, malahan, bahkan: the company hasn’t done well, as a matter of ~ it will wind up soon, syarikat itu tdk berjalan lancar, malahan syarikat itu akan ditutup;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hit5. affect adversely, (act.) memberikan pukulan kpd; (pass.) menerima pukulan: the industrial sector was badly ~ by the recession, sektor perindustrian menerima pukulan teruk akibat kemelesetan; the divorce ~ him hard, perceraian itu memberikan pukulan hebat kepadanya; 6. encounter, a. (problem, snag, etc) menghadapi: I stopped at the point where I ~ a difficult part in my work, saya terhenti pd takat saya menghadapi masalah dlm kerja saya; b. (storm etc) dilanda, terkena: we ~ a snowstorm as we descended the mountainside, kami dilanda ribut salji sewaktu kami menuruni gunung itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
deathblown pukulan maut: to give a ~ to o’s opponent, memberikan pukulan maut kpd lawan; deal a ~ to, memusnahkan, menghancurkan: the recession had been bad enough but the high interest rates dealt the final ~ to small businesses, kemelesetan sudah cukup teruk tetapi kadar faedah yg tinggi memusnahkan perniagaan kecil sama sekali.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
halt 1 n 1. temporary stop, berhenti: after a brief ~ the march continued, selepas berhenti sebentar perarakan itu bergerak semula; bring to a ~, cause to discontinue, menyebabkan terhenti; (deliberately) menghentikan: the recession brought production to a ~, kemelesetan telah menyebabkan pengeluaran terhenti; he brought the car to a ~ on a lonely stretch of road, dia menghentikan keretanya di jalan yg lengang; call a ~ to, menghentikan: police called a ~ to the search when darkness fell, polis menghentikan gerakan mencari apabila malam tiba; it’s time we called a ~ to this feuding, sudah masanya kita menghentikan segala persengketaan ini; come to a ~, berhenti: the van came to a sudden ~, van itu berhenti dgn tiba-tiba; 2. stopping-place for train, perhentian kereta api;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brake1n (device) brek: disc ~, brek piring; apply the ~s, put the ~s on, a. menekan brek; b. (fig.) menahan + approp n: due to the economic recession the organization has been told to put the ~s on, kerana kemelesetan ekonomi, pertubuhan itu telah diberitahu supaya menahan perbelanjaan; put the ~s on (so., st) menahan (sso, sst): the government must put the ~s on illegal bookmakers, kerajaan mesti menahan kegiatan penerima taruhan haram; to put the ~s on spending, menahan perbelanjaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
collapsevi 1. fall down or in, runtuh, roboh: the buildings ~d during the earthquake, bangunan-bangunan itu runtuh semasa gempa bumi; 2. fall or fail suddenly, a. (of price, market, business enterprise, etc) jatuh: the price of wool ~d during the, Depression, harga bulu biri-biri jatuh semasa Zaman Kemelesetan; b. (of project, plan, peace talk, etc) gagal: the project ~d because of financial difficulties, projek itu gagal oleh sebab kesulitan kewangan; c. (of argument, story, opposition, etc) terhapus: with the presentation of new evidence, the arguments he had put forward ~d; dgn bukti-bukti yg dikemukakan itu, hujah-hujah yg diutarakannya terhapus; d. (of marriage) runtuh, musnah, hancur; e. (of hopes) hancur, musnah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
f ollowb. (of period of time) berikut(nya): during the weeks that ~ed the tension grew, dlm minggu-minggu berikutnya or dlm minggu-minggu yg berikut, ketegangan kian memuncak; c. (in a piece of writing) menyusul, berikut(nya): there ~ several paragraphs describing the situation in 1975, berikutnya beberapa perenggan memerikan keadaan dlm tahun 1975; 3. ensue, menyusul: after the war depression ~ed, selepas perang, kemelesetan menyusul;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crashvi 1. (of aircraft) have violent, noisy accident, jatuh terhempas; 2. fall or hit st noisily, (of glassware, crockery, etc) jatuh berderang; (of structure, rock, etc) jatuh berderak; (of wave) berdebur: the glass slipped from his hand and ~ed to the floor, gelas itu terlepas dr tangannya lalu jatuh berderang ke lantai; 3. move noisily and violently, meluru merempuh: the wild boar ~ed through the undergrowth, babi hutan itu meluruh merempuh semak; 4. make loud shattering noise, (of applause, drums, etc) bergemuruh; (of thunder) berdentum; 5. collapse, jatuh: many companies ~ed during the economic recession, banyak syarikat yg jatuh semasa kemelesetan ekonomi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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