decline | n kemerosotan: a ~ in population, kemerosotan jumlah penduduk; the ~ of the British Empire, kemerosotan Empayar British; a ~ in share prices, kemerosotan harga-harga saham; the ~ of so’s strength, kemerosotan tenaga sso; be on the ~, sedang merosot: our sales performance is on the ~, prestasi jualan kami sedang merosot; /go, fall/ into ~, merosot; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
degeneration | n 1. act of degenerating, kemerosotan: the ~ of art, kemerosotan nilai seni; the ~ of the Sri Vijayan Empire, kemerosotan Empayar Sri Vijaya; 2. state of being degenerate, kemerosotan; 3. (biol) kemerosotan, degenerasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deterioration | n kemerosotan: the ~ of trade relations, kemerosotan perhubungan perdagangan; the ~ in morals, kemerosotan moral. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decay | n 1. decline, kemerosotan: the ~ of intellectual power, kemerosotan intelek; moral ~, kemerosotan akhlak; 2. dilapidation, usang: the old castle was in a state of ~, istana tua itu dlm keadaan usang; 3. rotting, a. (gen) pereputan: the ~ of organic matter, pereputan bahan organik; b. (of fruit, vegetable) membusuk, menjadi busuk: a chemical that will slow down the process of ~ in fruits, bahan kimia yg boleh melambatkan proses membusuk dlm buah-buahan; c. (of tooth) kerosakan: proper dental care helps prevent tooth ~, penjagaan gigi yg sempurna dapat menghindarkan kerosakan gigi; 4. result of decaying, bahagian yg rosak: to remove the ~ from a tooth, membuang bahagian yg rosak pd gigi; fall into ~, a. decline, mengalami kemerosotan, merosot; b. become dilapidated, menjadi usang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
degeneracy | n kemerosotan: intellectual and moral ~, kemerosotan intelek dan moral. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decadence | n kemerosotan: the ~ of the Jacobean period, kemerosotan zaman Jacobean. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
downturn | n kemerosotan; (of inflation, price) menurun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alarming | adj mencemaskan: ~ news from abroad, berita yg mencemaskan dr luar negeri; an ~ drop in production, kemerosotan hasil pengeluaran yg mencemaskan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blight | n 1. (plant disease) hawar; 2. st that impairs or frustrates hope, ambition, etc, perosak: his past was a ~ on his career, masa lalunya menjadi perosak kerjayanya; cast a ~ on, merosakkan, menjadi perosak; 3. condition of disorder and decay, kemerosotan: urban ~, kemerosotan bandar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concern | n 1. anxiety, worry one feels about a situation, (rasa) /bimbang, khuatir/: the growing public ~ about the poor standard of English, rasa bimbang orang ramai yg semakin bertambah ttg kemerosotan standard bahasa Inggeris; there is no cause for ~; it was only a false alarm, kita tdk perlu bimbang; itu hanyalah panggilan kebakaran palsu; to look at so. in ~, memandang sso dgn rasa khuatir; 2. st that worries so., (perkara) yg /membimbangkan, mengkhuatirkan/ sso: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |