batter1 | ~ st out of shape, /menghentam, memukuli/ sst hingga kemik-kemik; ~ st to pieces, 1. (act.) /membinasakan, memusnahkan/ sst sama sekali; (pass.) /binasa, musnah/ sama sekali: the ship was ~ed to pieces in the storm, kapal itu binasa sama sekali dipukul ribut; 2. subject to attack, criticism, a. (person) menyerang; b. (theory, opinion) mengecam (hebat), membidas (keras), menyerang: the theory was ~ed by critics, teori itu dikecam hebat oleh para pengkritik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
battered | adj 1. bruised (as if) by blows, luka-luka dan lebam-lebam; (of skull) pecah-pecah: the nurse bathes his ~ body, jururawat itu memandikan badannya yg luka-luka dan lebam-lebam; 2. disfigured, damaged by blows, hard usage, etc, a. (of face) cacat: the ~ face of the old boxer broke into a broad smile, petinju tua yg mukanya cacat itu tersenyum lebar; b. (of st made of metal) kemik-kemik: a ~ aluminium teapot, teko aluminium yg kemik-kemik; a ~ old truck, trak lama yg kemik-kemik; c. (of st that can be shattered, broken) rosak, kopak-kapik; (of ship) pecah-pecah dan kopak-kapik: a room full of ~ furniture, bilik yg penuh dgn perabot yg rosak; the once proud ship was a ~ wreck, kapal yg dahulunya menjadi kemegahan, sekarang telah pecah-pecah dan kopak-kapik; d. (of st made of soft, flexible material) renyuk-renyuk: a ~ songkok, songkok yg renyuk-renyuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dented | adj kemik, pesuk: a slightly ~ fender, dapra yg kemik sedikit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dent | vi menjadi lekuk; (of metallic surface), (menjadi) kemik: copper pans ~ easily, periuk tembaga mudah menjadi kemik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dent | n (tempat) lekuk; (in metallic surface) (tempat yg) kemik: ~s in the wooden floor, tempat-tempat lekuk pd lantai papan; there is a ~ in his hat, ada lekuk pd topinya; to repair the ~ in the mudguard, membaiki tempat yg kemik pd adang lumpur; make a ~, (fig.) meninggalkan kesan: the drought made no appreciable ~ in overall production, kemarau itu tdk meninggalkan kesan yg besar pd keseluruhan pengeluaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dint | n dent, kemik; by ~ of, (old-fashioned) disebabkan, oleh sebab: by ~ of valour the troops won, disebabkan berani, tentera itu mendapat kemenangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bump | n 1. collision, knock, perlanggaran: the ~ dented the front of the car, perlanggaran itu menyebabkan bahagian depan kereta kemik; 2. sound from a collision, bunyi /hantukan, perlanggaran/; 3. swelling caused by a blow, benjol, benggol: a ~ that still hurts, benjol yg masih sakit; 4. protuberance on a surface, bonggol: a road full of ~s and holes, jalan yg berbonggol-bonggol dan berlubang-lubang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crushed | adj 1. crumpled, renyuk, ronyok: his ~ shirt, kemejanya yg renyuk; 2. squashed by pressing or squeezing, [various translations]: ~ beer cans, tin-tin bir yg kemik; the ~ plants, tumbuh-tumbuhan yg remuk dipijak-pijak; 3. reduced to small particles, hancur: ~ ice, ais hancur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |