Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

bang1get a ~ on the head, (of person) /kena pukul, kena hentam, dipukul, dihentam/ di kepalanya; (accidentally) kepala (sso) terhantuk; go off with a ~, a. meletup (dgn bunyi yg kuat), berdentum; b. (fig.) dilancarkan dgn jayanya; with a ~, a. with a loud noise, berdentum, berdentam, berdegum, berdegam: to shut with a ~, tertutup berdentum; b. successfully, impressively, dgn /cemerlang, jayanya/: to start off with a ~, bermula dgn cemerlang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
huntedadj 1. pursued, kena buru, diburu: the ~ stag, rusa yg kena buru itu; 2. expressing fear, ketakutan: a ~ look, wajah yg ketakutan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
down1(an illness), (colloq) kena: it’s the third time I’ve come ~ with the flu this month, ini kali ketiga saya kena flu bulan ini; come ~ on so., memarahi sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inopportuneadj 1. (rel to time) unsuitable, tdk /kena, sesuai/: they chose an ~ time to make their demands, mereka memilih masa yg tdk sesuai utk membuat tuntutan itu; 2. (rel to action etc) inappropriate, tdk kena pd /waktunya, masanya/: an ~ remark, kata-kata yg tdk kena pd waktunya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
amissadj 1. wrong, the matter, [various translations]; (colloq) tak kena: is st ~?, ada apa-apa?; st must be ~ if the place is full of police, tentu ada sst yg terjadi jika tempat ini penuh dgn polis; according to the doctor there was nothing ~ with her, menurut doktor dia tdk sakit apa pun; everything is ~, semuanya serba tak kena; 2. faulty, deserving complaint, [various translations]; (colloq) tak kena: st is ~ with the car, ada sst yg rosak pd kereta itu; there must be st ~ if the books do not balance, tentu ada sst yg silap jika akaun ini tdk seimbang; his judgement was slightly ~ on this occasion, pertimbangannya tdk berapa tepat kali ini; 3. out of place, salah: it would not be ~ for you to participate, tdk ada salahnya or tdk salah jika kamu ikut serta;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
felicityn 1. happiness, kebahagiaan; 2. aptness, kesesuaian, sesuai, kena pd tempatnya: ~ of expression, kesesuaian pernyataan; with ~, dgn baik sekali; 3. apt expression, kata-kata yg kena pd tempatnya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
burnn 1. burned part or area, /bahagian, tempat/ yg /terbakar, kena api/: she darned the ~ in the blanket, dia menjerumat bahagian yg terbakar pd selimut itu; 2. mark caused by burning, bekas /terbakar, kena api/: there is a ~ on the table top, ada bekas terbakar pd permukaan meja; 3. injury caused by burning, luka terbakar: third degree ~s, luka terbakar darjah ketiga;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fleecevt 1. (colloq) a. swindle by tricking, ( act.) menipu; (pass.) kena tipu, ditipu; b. swindle by overcharging, (act.) memotong leher; (pass.) kena potong leher, dipotong leher: the souvenir shops along the waterfront really ~ tourists, kedai-kedai cenderamata di tepi pantai betul-betul memotong leher para pelancong; 2. shear, mengetam.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fit1vi 1. be of the correct size, shape, etc, padan: the lid does not ~, tudung itu tdk padan; the hat does not ~ well, topi itu tdk begitu padan; 2. match, kena: there’s something in his story that doesn’t ~, ada sst dlm ceritanya yg tdk kena;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
irrelevance, irrelevancyn 1. state, quality of being unrelated, (keadaan) tdk /berkaitan, bersangkutan/ (dgn sst), tdk (ada) kena-mengena dgn sst, tdk ada /kaitan, sangkut paut/ dgn sst; (leg.) tak relevannya; 2. unrelated facts, remark, etc, approp n + yg tdk /berkaitan, bersangkutan/ (dgn sst), approp n + yg tdk (ada) kena-mengena dgn sst, approp n + yg tdk ada /kaitan, sangkut paut/ dgn sst: she ignored the ~ and continued her argument, dia tdk menghiraukan komen yg tdk berkaitan itu dan meneruskan hujahnya; try to cut all the irrelevancies out of your speech, cuba keluarkan segala perkara yg tdk bersangkutan dr ucapan saudara.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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