becoming | adj 1. befitting, proper (to), wajar: conduct ~ to an officer, kelakuan yg wajar bagi pegawai; 2. attractively suitable, sesuai, padan, cocok, kena benar: a ~ hair-style, potongan rambut yg sesuai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concern | 4. care, mengambil berat ttg /sso, sst/; ( used with “for”) mengambil berat: I was really surprised when she showed no ~, saya benar-benar terkejut apabila dia tdk mengambil berat; his ~ for the less fortunate was one of his more admirable qualities, sikapnya yg mengambil berat ttg orang-orang yg tdk bernasib baik merupakan sifatnya yg terpuji; 5. affair, urusan: how I spend my money is none of your ~, bagaimana saya membelanjakan wang saya bukan urusanmu; the collection of household rubbish is the ~ of the local council, pemungutan sampah ialah urusan majlis tempatan; what ~ is it of so., apa kena-mengenanya dgn kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |