bastard | n 1. illegitimate child or adult, anak /haram, luar nikah, gampang/; (contemptuous) haram jadah; 2. (colloq), (used as term of abuse) keparat, celaka, anak haram, bangsat, (anak) gampang, haram jadah: he’s a real ~, keparat betul dia; 3. (colloq) st difficult, unpleasant, sial betul: this ~ of a job, sial betul kerja ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bleeder | n 1. haemophiliac, pengidap (penyakit) hemofilia; 2. (derog) a. despicable person, keparat; b. person who drains another of money, resources, etc, lintah darat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heel 1 | n 1. (of foot, shoe, stocking, sock) tumit: the ~ of my shoe is worn down, tumit kasut saya sudah haus; high ~s, tumit tinggi; 2. (of hand) pangkal tapak tangan; 3. (sl) contemptible person, keparat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |