depth | 3. intensity (of emotion, feeling) mendalam; 4. (of colour) kepekatan; 5. (usu in pl) inner, remote part, jauh: we live in the ~s of the country, kami tinggal jauh di pedalaman; creatures living in the ~s of the sea, makhluk-makhluk yg tinggal jauh di dlm laut; 6. (usu in pl) most intense part, a. (of winter) kemuncak; b. (of night) tengah-tengah, jauh, larut; 7. (usu in pl) intense, unfathomable region (of feeling) amat, sangat, sungguh: in the ~s of misery, dlm keadaan yg amat sengsara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concentration | n 1. act of focussing, penumpuan: power of ~, daya penumpuan; the ~ of industrial development around the capital city, penumpuan pembangunan perindustrian di sekitar ibu negeri itu; 2. accumulation, tumpuan: the increasing ~ of power in the politburo, tumpuan kuasa yg semakin bertambah pd politburo; 3. focussing of mental activities, daya penumpuan: memorising o’s lines requires great ~, menghafaz skrip memerlukan daya penumpuan yg tinggi; 4. (tech) kepekatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |