expedience, expediency | (fml) n 1. appropriateness, kesesuaian, kewajaran; 2. the consideration of what is advantageous, kepentingan: political ~, kepentingan politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
community | n 1. the public, masyarakat, komuniti: ~ development, pembangunan komuniti; ~ life, kehidupan masyarakat; in the interest of the ~, bagi kepentingan masyarakat; 2. (group of people) masyarakat, golongan: the Chinese ~ in Indonesia, masyarakat Cina di Indonesia; a village ~, masyarakat kampung; trading ~, golongan peniaga; a ~ of monks, golongan rahib; 3. group of countries working together and having common interests, komuniti: the European C~, Komuniti Eropah; 4. common ownership, pemilikan bersama: ~ of property, pemilikan bersama harta; 5. condition of sharing, (keadaan) bersama: there is no ~ of interest between the two groups, tdk ada kepentingan bersama antara dua kumpulan itu; ~ spirit, semangat muhibah; 6. (of plants, animal) komuniti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consequence | n 1. result of some previous occurrence, akibat: one of the ~s was loss of confidence in the party, salah satu akibatnya ialah hilangnya keyakinan thdp parti itu; /suffer, take/ the ~s, menerima akibatnya; 2. importance or significance, kepentingan: a matter of international ~, perkara yg mempunyai kepentingan antarabangsa; of great etc ~, amat /penting, mustahak/; of little ~, tdk /penting, mustahak/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adverse | adj 1. hostile, memburuk-burukkan (+ approp n): there were many ~ comments about the play, terdapat banyak ulasan yg memburuk-burukkan lakonan itu; 2. unfavourable, a. (of condition) buruk: ~ weather conditions, keadaan cuaca yg buruk; b. (of circumstance) menyukarkan, tak menyenangkan; c. (of decision, verdict, etc) /bertentangan, berlawanan/ dgn kepentingan (sso), merugikan (sso): an ~ decision, keputusan yg bertentangan dgn kepentingan sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
identity | n 1. sameness, similarity, persamaan: there was no ~ of interest between management and employees, tdk ada persamaan kepentingan antara pihak pengurusan dan pihak pekerja; the startling ~ of the two paintings, persamaan yg menakjubkan antara dua lukisan itu; 2. (individuality) identiti; (who so. is) siapa: he doubted his own ~, dia meragui identitinya sendiri; the ~ of the hijacker has yet to be made nown, siapa perampas kapal terbang itu belum diberitahu lagi; proof of ~, bukti siapa diri sso; mistaken ~, salah orang; 3. (math, phys) identiti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
factional | adj 1. belonging to a faction, puak: a ~ leader, ketua puak; 2. characterized by factions, berpuak(-puak): ~ interest, kepentingan berpuak-puak; 3. occurring between factions, antara puak: ~ disputes, pertelingkahan antara puak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
general | adj 1. involving the whole rather than a part, menyeluruh: ~ decay, kerosakan yg menyeluruh; the announcement caused ~ uproar, pengumuman itu menyebabkan berlakunya kegemparan yg menyeluruh; 2. common, widespread, umum, ramai: matters of ~ interest, soal-soal kepentingan umum; the new TV programme has become a ~ favourite, rancangan baru TV itu telah menjadi kegemaran umum; the ~ opinion is that he is guilty, pd pendapat umum dia bersalah; 3. comprehensive, not restricted, am, umum: schemes to improve the ~ welfare of the farmers, rancangan-rancangan utk meningkatkan kebajikan am para petani; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dwindle | vi 1. diminish, semakin /berkurangan, susut/; (of hopes) semakin /pudar, tipis/: the population is dwindling, bilangan penduduk semakin berkurangan; his fortune ~d, kekayaannya semakin berkurangan; 2. decline, semakin merosot: the port ~d in importance, kepentingan pelabuhan itu semakin merosot; 3. shrink, mengecil; (as st recedes from view) kelihatan semakin kecil: the star ~d to a speck in the sky, bintang itu kelihatan semakin kecil di langit; 4. (of race, species, etc) semakin pupus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
downgrade | vt 1. reduce (employee) to lower rank, menurunkan pangkat: he was ~d to assistant supervisor, dia diturunkan pangkat ke penolong penyelia; 2. reduce (job) to lower grade, menurunkan taraf; 3. minimize importance of, mengurangkan kepentingan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conflict | n 1. fighting, battle, pertempuran: armed ~, pertempuran bersenjata; 2. struggle, controversy, konflik, pertikaian, persengketaan: the ~ between the superpowers, pertikaian antara kuasa-kuasa besar; the ~ between the church and the state, persengketaan antara pihak gereja dgn pihak kerajaan; 3. opposition, difference, konflik, percanggahan, pertentangan: a ~ of ideas, percanggahan idea; a ~ of interests, konflik kepentingan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |