entrenched | adj telah /berakar berumbi, berurat berakar/: ~ beliefs, kepercayaan-kepercayaan yg telah berakar berumbi; ~ political ideas, gagasan-gagasan politik yg telah berakar berumbi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
belief | n kepercayaan: ~ in ghosts, kepercayaan pd hantu; the ~ at one time that the earth was flat, kepercayaan pd suatu masa dahulu bahawa dunia ini datar; he came in the ~ that..., dia datang dgn kepercayaan bahawa...; according to the Christian ~, menurut kepercayaan agama Kristian; her ~ in her friends, kepercayaannya thdp kawan-kawannya; our ~ that he is honest..., kepercayaan kami bahawa dia jujur...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faith | n 1. strong belief, complete confidence, kepercayaan, keyakinan; (in God) kepercayaan, percaya: children usually have ~ in their parents, anak-anak selalunya menaruh kepercayaan thdp ibu bapa mereka; I have ~ in his ability to do the job, saya mempunyai keyakinan bahawa dia boleh melaksanakan kerja itu; to put o’s ~ in God, percaya kpd Tuhan; lose ~, hilang kepercayaan, tdk percaya lagi: he has completely lost ~ in doctors, dia telah sama sekali hilang kepercayaan thdp doktor; 2. trust in God, his divinity, promises or actions, iman; 3. religion, agama: the Muslim ~, agama Islam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creditworthiness | n kepercayaan kredit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creditworthy | adj mempunyai kepercayaan kredit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
belief | beyond ~, di luar kepercayaan; have /no, not much/ ~ in (doctors etc) tdk percaya pd (doktor dsb); to the best of my ~, saya betul-betul percaya; unworthy of ~, tdk dapat dipercayai: an idea unworthy of ~, idea yg tdk dapat dipercayai; in /o’s, so’s/ ~ that, krn sso percaya bahawa: in his ~ that he had fully recovered..., krn dia percaya bahawa dia telah betul-betul sembuh...; it is o’s ~ that, sso percaya (bahawa): it is my ~ that he lied, saya percaya dia berbohong. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creed | n 1. system of beliefs, principles, a. (in general) fahaman: his political ~, fahaman politiknya; b. (religious) kepercayaan, agama, akidah: men of all races and ~s, manusia drpd berbagai-bagai bangsa dan kepercayaan; 2. short, formal statement of faith, syahadat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heretical | adj menyeleweng, sesat: ~ beliefs, kepercayaan yg menyeleweng. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
archetypal, archetypical | adj arketip: ~ beliefs and images, kepercayaan dan imej arketip. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
argue | ~ so. out of, a. (a position, belief) mempengaruhi sso supaya mengubah [pendirian, kepercayaan]: it is impossible to ~ him out of the position he has taken up on the issue, dia sukar dipengaruhi supaya mengubah pendiriannya thdp isu itu; b. (doing st) memujuk sso supaya tdk: his wife finally ~d him out of resigning, isterinya akhirnya dapat memujuknya supaya dia tdk meletakkan jawatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |