clamp | vt mengapit: he ~ed the two pieces of wood together, dia mengapit kedua-dua keping papan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consume | vt 1. a. eat, (me)makan: she ~d two bars of chocolate, dia makan dua keping coklat; b. drink, (me)minum: he ~d several cans of orange juice, dia minum beberapa tin jus oren; 2. use up, (me)makan; (energy) menggunakan; (of country, factory, furnace, etc) menggunakan; (fortune, money) menghabiskan: my car ~s a lot of petrol, kereta saya kuat makan minyak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ upon st, a. find, encounter, terjumpa: I came upon some old photographs of my father, saya terjumpa beberapa keping gambar lama bapa saya; going across the meadow, we came upon a farmer, semasa kami melintasi padang rumput itu kami terjumpa seorang peladang; b. strike (of misfortune, catastrophe, etc) menimpa: catastrophe after catastrophe had ~ upon the village, bencana demi bencana telah menimpa kampung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
endways, endwise | adv 1. with the end forward, dgn hujung ke hadapan: they carried the table out ~, mereka mengangkat meja itu keluar dgn hujungnya ke hadapan; 2. end to end, hujung dgn hujung: he put the two dominoes together ~, dia mencantumkan dua keping domino itu hujung dgn hujung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
copy | n 1. reproduction of an original, salinan: make three copies of the letter, buat tiga salinan surat itu; certified ~, salinan yg sah; 2. imitation, tiruan: her dress is a ~ of a Paris model, bajunya adalah tiruan model Paris; 3. specimen, naskhah; (of photograph) keping: they ordered 500 copies of the book, mereka memesan 500 naskhah buku itu; a second-hand ~, naskhah terpakai; 4. material for publication, kopi: the feature writer is late with his ~, penulis rencana terlewat menghantar kopinya; fair ~, kopi bersih; good ~, bahan berita yg menarik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
equestrian | n approp n + yg sama; (tech) approp n + yg setara; (of word, phrase) padanan: he will receive $100 or its ~ in books, dia akan menerima $100 atau nilai yg sama dlm bentuk buku; (be) the ~ of, (approp n) sama spt; (tech) approp n + yg setara dgn; (of word, phrase) padanan utk: SIRIM, the ~ of British Standards Institution, SIRIM, institusi yg sama spt British Standards Institution; one slice of cheese is the ~ of a glass of milk, satu keping keju sama spt segelas susu; the metric ~ of one pound, sukatan metrik yg setara dgn satu paun; what is the exact Malay ~ of the word “innocent?”, apakah padanan yg tepat dlm bahasa Malaysia bagi perkataan “innocent?”. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contrive | vt 1. arrange, bring about with skill etc, mengikhtiarkan: to ~ some means of escape, mengikhtiarkan jalan utk melepaskan diri; 2. manage, berjaya; (used in interrog construction or future tense) mencuba, berusaha: he ~d to get support from everyone concerned, dia berjaya mendapatkan sokongan drpd setiap orang yg berkenaan; can you ~ to be here on time?, dapatkah kamu mencuba berada di sini tepat pd masanya?; 3. create ingeniously, menghasilkan: she ~d a bookcase out of some old cardboard, dia menghasilkan almari buku drpd beberapa keping kadbod lama; he ~d a small gadget for grating cheese, dia menghasilkan sebuah alat kecil utk memarut keju; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bar | n 1. rod (of iron, wood) batang (besi, kayu): iron ~, batang besi; 2. (of cage, window, gate, etc) jerjak, jeriji, jeruji, kisi-kisi; 3. wood, iron placed horizontally, palang: the high jump ~ was raised, palang lompat tinggi itu dinaikkan; the ~ of a door, palang pintu; horizontal ~s, palang mengufuk; parallel ~s, palang selari; 4. ingot, jongkong: gold ~s, jongkong emas; 5. (of chocolate) keping; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |