job satisfaction | n kepuasan kerja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gratification | n (fml) 1. act of indulging, satisfying, pemuasan, memuaskan: the ~ of his own desires was his main concern, pemuasan nafsunya menjadi tumpuannya yg utama; 2. state of being satisfied, kepuasan: writing poetry gives him great ~, menulis sajak memberinya kepuasan yg sungguh besar; 3. a. st that gives satisfaction, (sst yg) memuaskan hati: his only ~ was that the novel received favourable reviews, satu-satunya yg memuaskan hatinya ialah novel itu mendapat ulasan yg baik; b. st that gladdens, delights, (sst yg) menyenangkan hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fulfilment | n 1. completion (of duty etc) penunaian, menunaikan; 2. compliance with, memenuhi; 3. realization (of hope, desire, etc) pencapaian; 4. state of being fulfilled, kepuasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frustrated | adj 1. discouraged, kecewa; 2. having been unsuccessful in chosen job, gagal menjadi [n]: a ~ poet who ended up as a bus conductor, orang yg gagal menjadi penyajak akhirnya menjadi konduktor bas; 3. (sexually) tdk mendapat kepuasan seks. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contented | adj 1. (satisfied with o’s lot) berpuas hati; (quite happy) bahagia: a ~ man, lelaki yg berpuas hati; be ~ with st, berpuas hati dgn sst; 2. suggesting, characterized by satisfaction, bahagia; (of look, smile, etc) menunjukkan rasa puas (hati): a ~ life, kehidupan yg penuh kepuasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
afford | vt 1. be able to pay, mampu: we can’t ~ the rent, kami tdk mampu membayar sewa; can you ~ a new car?, mampukah kamu membeli kereta baru?; 2. be able to do, to spare (st) boleh: I can ~ to wait, saya boleh menunggu; he cannot ~ to miss the train, dia tdk boleh ketinggalan kereta api; we cannot ~ any error, kami tdk boleh membuat kesilapan sama sekali; 3. give, offer, memberi: the job ~s her great satisfaction, pekerjaan itu memberinya kepuasan; trees that ~ ample shelter, pokok-pokok yg memberi naungan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |