cross-sectional | adj 1. of transverse section, keratan rentas: ~ area, luas keratan rentas; 2. of representative group, keratan lintang: a ~ study, kajian keratan lintang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cross-section | n 1. (drawing of) transverse section, keratan rentas; 2. representative group, keratan lintang: a ~ of the community, keratan lintang masyarakat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clipping | n 1. (of nail) keratan (kuku); 2. (of newspaper) /guntingan, potongan, keratan/ (akhbar). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | ~ down, a. separate into component/s, dapat dibahagikan terbagi; (tech) mengurai: the budget for the project ~s down into wages, material and printing costs, anggaran belanjawan projek itu terbagi kpd gaji, perbelanjaan bahan dan kos cetak; water ~s down into hydrogen and oxygen, air mengurai menjadi hidrogen dan oksigen; b. undergo decomposition, reput, terurai: after a time, the fallen leaves and grass-cuttings will ~ down into compost, sesudah beberapa lama, daun-daun yg luruh dan keratan-keratan rumput akan reput menjadi kompos; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conic section | n keratan /kerucut, kon/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cutting | n 1. (road) jalan tarah; 2. (railway) landasan tarah; 3. (of plant) keratan; 4. (clipping from newspaper, magazine, etc) potongan, guntingan: press ~s, potongan akhbar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clip 2 | n 1. act of trimming with scissors or sharp instrument, a. (hair, hedge, etc) menggunting, memangkas; b. (wool, close-cropped hair) mengetam; c. (nails) mengetip; 2. short extract, a. (from film) sedutan (filem); b. (from newspaper) /guntingan, potongan, keratan/ akhbar; 3. (of wool) hasil ketaman bulu biri-biri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
develop | vt 1. cause to become larger, fuller, maturer, more advanced, etc, membina: exercises for ~ing muscles, senaman utk membina otot; character is ~ed at school, watak dibina di sekolah; to ~ a self-respecting, independent and progressive generation, membina generasi yg menghormati diri sendiri, dapat berdikari dan maju; 2. cause (bacteria, cell, plant, etc) to grow, [various translations]: the zygote is gradually ~d into the adult plant, zigot itu perlahan-lahan berkembang menjadi tumbuhan dewasa; the cutting will ~ roots if dipped in hormone powder, keratan itu akan mengeluarkan akar jika dicelup dlm serbuk hormon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |