against | 2. opposed in tendency, character to, /bertentangan, berlawanan/ dgn; (o’s wishes, will) tanpa: forced to act ~ his conscience, terpaksa bertindak bertentangan dgn kata hatinya; to be married ~ o’s will, berkahwin tanpa kerelaan hati sso; 3. in violation of, melanggar: an act that is ~ the law, perbuatan yg melanggar undang-undang; 4. that prohibits, melarang, menegah: is there a law ~ talking too much?, adakah undang-undang yg melarang orang bercakap terlalu banyak?; 5. in the opposite direction to, a. (current, tide, wind) melawan, menyongsong: he swam ~ the current, dia berenang melawan arus; b. (nap, hair, etc) menyongsong: to brush a hat ~ the nap, memberus topi menyongsong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accord | be in ~ with, a. (of information, statement, claim, etc) /selaras, sejajar, bertepatan/ dgn; b. (of person), /bersetuju, bersependapat/ dgn; be out of ~ with, tdk /selaras, sejajar, bertepatan/ dgn; of o’s own ~, dgn /kerelaan, kehendak, kemahuan/ sso sendiri; with one ~, a. (unanimously) dgn sebulat suara; b. (simultaneously), (dgn) serentak: to rise with one ~, bangun serentak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |