anti-tank | adj pembinasa kereta kebal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gun | 2. cannon, meriam: anti-tank ~s, meriam pembinasa kereta kebal;3. firing of gun as salute, tembakan penghormatan: a twenty-one ~ salute, tembakan penghormatan dua puluh satu das; 4. pistol-like device used to indicate the start of a race, pistol; 5. device for shooting (paint , grease, staple, etc) under pressure, (alat) penembak: a grease ~, penembak gris; 6. person using a firearm, penembak: the fastest ~ in Texas, penembak yg paling tangkas di Texas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | d. (disperse) bersurai; (scatter) bercerai-berai, menjadi berpecah-pecah: the conference broke up early, persidangan itu bersurai awal; when the tanks appeared, the crowd broke up and ran for cover, apabila kereta kebal tiba, orang ramai bersurai dan bertempiaran mencari perlindungan; the family has broken up as a result of the war, keluarga itu telah bercerai-berai akibat peperangan; e. (ref to school) cease activity, mula bercuti, tutup: our school ~s up next Tuesday, kami bercuti hari Selasa depan or sekolah kami mula tutup pd hari Selasa depan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escort | vt accompany as escort (to a social function) menemani; (in order to give protection or as an honour) mengiringi: he ~ed my sister to the dance, dia menemani adik saya ke majlis tari-menari itu; the troops moved in ~ed by tanks and helicopters, askar-askar itu bergerak masuk diiringi oleh kereta kebal dan helikopter. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |