inexhaustible | <i>adji> 1. <i>that cannot be used up,i> tdk /habis-habis, akan habis/; (<i>of springi>) tdk /akan kering, kering-kering/: <i>an ~ supply of wheat,i> bekalan gandum yg tdk akan habis; ~ patience, sabar betul, terlalu sabar: <i>her patience seems ~,i> dia nampaknya sabar betul; so’s patience is not ~, sso bukannya sabar sangat: <i>“My patience is not ~,” she said,i> “Saya ini bukannya sabar sangat,” katanya; 2. <i>untiring,i> tdk kenal /lelah, penat/: <i>he is ~ in his endeavours,i> dia tdk kenal lelah dlm usahanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dry | <i>adji> 1. <i>not watery,i> kering: <i>come and stand over here where the ground is ~,i> mari berdiri di tanah yg kering ini; ~ land, <i>land that is not under wateri> (<i>esp the seai>) darat: <i>they were relieved when they reached ~ land,i> mereka berasa lega apabila sampai di darat; 2. <i>not damp or wet,i> kering: <i>are the clothes ~ yet?,i> adakah baju-baju itu sudah kering?; <i>he stood in front of the fire until he was ~,i> dia berdiri di hadapan api sehingga kering; 3. <i>having lost moisture,i> kering: <i>my lips are ~ and cracked,i> bibir saya kering dan pecah-pecah; <i>the ground was ~ and dusty,i> tanah itu kering dan berdebu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dry | <i>vii> 1. <i>become dry,i> mengering, (menjadi) kering: <i>if you stand by the fire your wet clothes will soon ~,i> jika kamu berdiri di tepi perapian, dlm masa yg sekejap sahaja pakaian kamu yg basah itu akan kering; <i>she hung the washing out to ~,i> dia menjemur cucian supaya kering; 2. <i>wipe dishes etc,i> mengelap pinggan: <i>I’ll wash up and you two can ~,i> saya mencuci pinggan dan kamu berdua boleh mengelapnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
broke1 | <i>adji> (<i>colloqi>) <i>without money,i> (sudah) /pokai, kering/; (<i>of business establishment etci>), (sudah) pokai: <i>I’m stony ~,i> saya betul-betul kering; go ~, (<i>sli>), (sudah) pokai: <i>the business went ~ after its first year,i> perniagaan itu pokai selepas tahun pertamanya; <i>go for ~,i> (<i>sli>) berusaha habis-habisan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gaunt | <i>adji> 1. <i>bony and haggard,i> kurus kering; (<i>of cheeks, eyesi>) cengkung: <i>the prisoners of war looked ~,i> tawanan-tawanan perang itu kelihatan kurus kering; 2. <i>bare and desolate,i> gondol dan gersang; (<i>of housei>) kosong dan tdk berseri: <i>the ~ trees in winter,i> pohon-pohon gondol dan gersang pd musim sejuk; <i>a ~ landscape,i> pandangan darat yg gondol dan gersang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fresh | <i>adji> 1. (<i>of flowers and foodi>) segar, baru: <i>is that meat ~ or frozen?,i> adakah daging itu segar atau sejuk beku?; <i>I prefer ~ vegetables to dried ones,i> saya lebih menggemari sayur segar drpd sayur kering; <i>~ bread,i> roti baru; <i>~ eggs,i> telur segar; <i>the flowers do not look ~ at all,i> bunga itu tdk langsung kelihatan segar; <i>~ guavas,i> jambu batu baru; <i>~ milk,i> susu segar; 2. <i>recently created, arrived, found, happened, produced, etc,i> baru; (<i>of paint etci>) basah, belum kering: <i>a ~ outlook,i> pandangan baru; <i>in the light of this ~ evidence...,i> kerana ada bukti baru ini...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gauntness | <i>ni> 1. <i>haggardness,i> kurus kering; (<i>of cheeks, eyesi>) cengkung; 2. <i>bareness and desolateness,i> kegondolan dan kegersangan; (<i>of housei>) kosong dan tdk berseri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
kindle | <i>vii> 1. <i>start to burn,i> bernyala: <i>the dry wood ~d immediately,i> kayu kering itu bernyala dgn cepat; 2. <i>become animated,i> menyala: <i>his rage ~d at the thought,i> kemarahannya menyala apabila mengingatkan perkara itu | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fire | <i>vti> 1. <i>set fire to,i> membakar: <i>someone has deliberately ~d the haystack,i> ada orang yg sengaja membakar timbunan rumput kering itu; 2. <i>discharge,i> a. (<i>firearmi>) menembakkan: <i>during the war I never ~d my gun,i> semasa perang, saya tdk pernah menembakkan pistol saya; b. (<i>salute, volley, etci>) melepaskan: <i>the troops ~d a salute,i> tentera itu melepaskan tembakan hormat; <i>the police ~d a volley into the air,i> polis melepaskan tembakan bertalu-talu ke udara; c. (<i>missile from firearmi>) menembakkan: <i>he ~d his last bullet,i> dia menembakkan pelurunya yg terakhir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dryness | <i>ni> 1. <i>condition of being not damp or wet,i> kekeringan; 2. (<i>of weather, period of time, placei>) kekeringan, kering; 3. (<i>of mouth, throati>) kekeringan; 4. <i>wryness,i> kebersahajaan, (secara) bersahaja; 5. <i>quality of being unemotional, cold,i> kehambaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |