clutter | <i>vii> 1. <i>make untidy,i> (<i>act.i>) menyemakkan, /menyerakkan, menyepahkan, menyelerakkan/ + <i>approp prep;i> (<i>pass.i>) semak, /berserak, bersepah, berselerak/ + <i>approp prep: the desk was ~ed with papers,i> meja itu semak dgn kertas-kertas or kertas-kertas berserak di atas meja itu; 2. <i>filli> (<i>mindi>) <i>with all kinds of information,i> menyemakkan: <i>to ~ up o’s mind with unimportant details,i> menyemakkan fikiran dgn hal-hal yg tdk penting. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interfere | ~ with, a. <i>tamper with,i> mengusik: <i>who’s been interfering with my papers?,i> siapa yg mengusik kertas-kertas saya?; b. <i>obstruct, get in the way of,i> mengganggu: <i>he would never allow anything to ~ with his career,i> dia tdk akan membiarkan apa-apa mengganggu kerjayanya; c. (<i>of sounds, radio waves etci>) mengganggu; d. (<i>euphemi>) <i>attack sexually,i> mencabul, mencabul kehormatan: <i>the victim’s mother claimed that her daughter had been ~d with,i> ibu mangsa perkosaan itu mendakwa bahawa anaknya telah dicabul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crumpled | <i>adj creased, crushed up,i> ronyok, renyuk, berkedut; (<i>of st made of metali>) remuk: <i>~ pieces of paper,i> kertas-kertas yg ronyok; <i>the ~ mudguard,i> madgad yg remuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ferret | ~ about / in, among, around/, menyelongkar: <i>I discovered that someone had been ~ing about in my papers,i> saya mendapati ada orang yg menyelongkar kertas-kertas saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jumble | <i>vt alsoi> ~ up, 1. <i>throw together in disorder,i> (<i>act.i>) mencampuradukkan; (<i>pass.i>) bercampur aduk: <i>he ~d the papers together,i> dia mencampuradukkan kertas-kertas itu; <i>old clothes and books were ~d up together,i> pakaian dan buku lama bercampur aduk; 2. (<i>usu pass.i>) <i>mix up,i> berkecamuk: <i>she seemed to have a lot of things ~d up in her mind,i> nampaknya banyak perkara yg berkecamuk dlm fikirannya; <i>his thoughts were all ~d up,i> fikirannya berkecamuk; get st ~d up, keliru ttg sst: <i>I’m afraid he’s got your names ~d up,i> saya khuatir dia keliru ttg nama-nama kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foil2 | <i>ni> 1. <i>very thin beaten or rolled metal sheet,i> kerajang: <i>silver ~,i> kerajang perak; <i>aluminium ~,i> kerajang aluminium; 2. <i>paper covered with this,i> kertas timah; (<i>if metal is specifiedi>) kertas: <i>cigarettes wrapped in ~,i> rokok yg dibungkus dgn kertas timah; <i>gold ~,i> kertas emas; 3. <i>metal sheet used as backing for mirror,i> kerajang; 4. <i>so., st that contrasts with and hence sets off another,i> (sst yg) menyerlahkan; (<i>theati>) watak lawan: <i>her black evening gown was a good ~ for her pale complexion,i> gaun malamnya yg hitam menyerlahkan kulitnya yg putih; <i>the ugly stepsisters are a ~ to the beautiful Cinderella,i> kakak-kakak tiri yg hodoh itu merupakan watak lawan bagi Cinderella yg jelita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | <i>the land was ~ed for replanting,i> kawasan itu dipugar utk ditanami semula; 2. <i>removei> (<i>unwanted thingsi>) <i>from a place,i> a. (<i>by putting away or asidei>) mengemaskan: <i>he quickly ~ed the papers from his desk,i> dia cepat-cepat mengemaskan kertas-kertas dr mejanya; b. (<i>by pulling out or getting rid ofi>) membuang: <i>she spent almost three hours trying to ~ the weeds from her garden,i> dia menghabiskan hampir tiga jam mencuba membuang rumpai dr lamannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foolscap | <i>ni> (kertas) kajang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lavatory paper | <i>ni> kertas tandas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
greaseproof paper | <i>ni> kertas minyak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |