Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : kerusi yg mempunyai pemegang di sisinya (utk meletakkan tangan); (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
kerusi (kata nama)
1. Bersinonim dengan jawatan: kedudukan

2. Bersinonim dengan seliri: bangku, sofa, amben, balai,

3. Bersinonim dengan takhta: singgahsana

Kata Terbitan : mempengerusikan, pengerusi,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

armchairn kerusi tangan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ensconcevt; ~ os, ( fml or jocular) a. settle os firmly or comfortably, duduk selesa: he ~d himself in an armchair by the window, dia duduk selesa di kerusi tangan di tepi jendela; b. establish os (in a comfortable house etc) tinggal dgn selesa: we were ~d in a spacious bungalow by the sea, kami tinggal dgn selesa di sebuah banglo di tepi laut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
curl~ up, a. also ~ os up, lie down with arms and legs close to the body, berlingkar; (in a self-protective manner) mengerekot: the kittens ~ed up in front of the fire, anak kucing itu berlingkar di hadapan perapian; he ~ed up snugly in the armchair, dia berlingkar dgn selesanya di kerusi tangan; he ~ed up in the corner of the room, dia mengerekot di sudut bilik itu; b. double up, mengekot: he ~ed up under the impact of the blow, dia mengekot akibat terkena pukulan itu; c. turn up into a curl, bergulung: the leaves had ~ed up at the edges, tepi daun-daun itu bergulung.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
drumvi 1. play the drum, bermain dram: ~ming for hours without a break, bermain dram berjam-jam tanpa berhenti rehat; 2. tap fingers rythmically, bergendang: he ~med on the arm of the chair, dia bergendang di atas tempat letak tangan kerusi itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
broken4. damaged, not working, rosak: my watch is ~, jam tangan saya rosak; he took the ~ chair to be repaired, dia membawa kerusi yg rosak itu utk dibaiki; 5. crushed, patah; (of hea/rt) patah, hancur, remuk: a ~ man, orang yg patah semangatnya; a ~ heart, hati yg hancur; 6. (of language) teruk, tdk baik: he speaks ~ English, bahasa Inggerisnya tdk baik; he asked me something in ~ French, dia bertanya kpd saya dlm bahasa Perancis yg teruk;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
backn 1. (of person, animal) belakang; 2. (of thing) a. (gen) belakang: the ~ of a house, belakang rumah; the ~ of a knife, belakang pisau; with the ~ of the hand, dgn belakang tangan; b. (of seat) sandaran: the ~ of a chair, sandaran kerusi; c. (of tongue) pangkal; 3. (games) pemain barisan belakang, bek: left ~, bek kiri; half-~, hafbek, pemain barisan tengah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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