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satu (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan tunggal, esa, ahad, eka, se, ganjil;,
Kata Terbitan : satu-satunya, bersatu, menyatukan, menyatupadukan, kesatuan, persatuan, berpersatuan, penyatu, penyatuan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

federationn 1. act of federating, usaha mempersekutukan; 2. union, persekutuan: F~ of Malaya , Persekutuan Tanah Melayu; the ~ of labour unions, persekutuan kesatuan-kesatuan buruh.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ensemblen 1. group of people, buildings, etc viewed as a whole, kesatuan; 2. matched outfit, pakaian sedondon: she wore a silk scarf to complete the ~, dia memakai skaf sutera utk melengkapkan pakaian sedondonnya; 3. (mus)ensemble.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
injunctionn 1. (leg.) injunksi: the employers sought an ~ against the Union, pihak majikan memohon injunksi thdp Kesatuan Sekerja itu; 2. (instruction, command) perintah; (admonition) peringatan: he forgot all his father’s ~s and drove far too fast, dia terlupa akan segala peringatan yg diberikan oleh bapanya dan memandu dgn sangat laju.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
competence, competencyn 1. ability, kecekapan: his ~ in handling problems with the union, kecekapannya mengendalikan masalah dgn kesatuan sekerja; 2. (liter. & old use) sufficient means of living, pendapatan yg mencukupi; 3. legal capacity (of court of law, witness, magistrate, etc) kompetens.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
anatheman 1. so., st detested, (seorang, sesuatu yg) dibenci: he was ~ to the trade unionists, dia dibenci oleh ahli kesatuan sekerja; his very name was ~ to the family, namanya sahaja pun dibenci oleh keluarga itu; 2. formal curse of the Church, kutukan; 3. so., st so cursed, /sso, sst/ yg dikutuk; 4. any strong curse, kata-kata sumpahan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
collision coursen 1. course likely to end in confrontation, percanggahan, bercanggahan: the management and the union seemed to be set on a ~, pihak pengurusan dan pihak kesatuan nampaknya menjurus ke arah percanggahan; 2. course likely to end in a crash, arah pandu perlanggaran.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
estimationn 1. opinion, pendapat, pandangan, anggapan: such policies, in my ~, will only widen the gap between the management and the union, pd pendapat saya, dasar-dasar spt itu hanya akan meluaskan jurang antara pihak pengurusan dgn kesatuan sekerja; 2. approximate calculation, anggaran: an ~ of the number of man hours it will take to complete the job, anggaran jumlah jam manusia yg akan digunakan utk menyelesaikan kerja itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
formationn 1. act of, a. (being formed) terbentuknya: the ~ of clouds, terbentuknya awan; b. (establishing) penubuhan, pembentukan: he was responsible for the ~ of the union, dia bertanggungjawab thdp pembentukan kesatuan itu; c. (developing) pembentukan: discipline is important in the ~ of character, disiplin adalah penting dlm pembentukan watak; 2. thing formed, bentukan: a new word ~, bentukan kata baru; clouds are ~s of condensed water vapour, awan ialah bentukan wap air yg terpeluwap; 3. (mil) formasi: the ships were in battle ~, kapal-kapal itu berada dlm formasi pertempuran.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
guaranteen 1. (formal) promise that st will be done or will definitely happen, jaminan; (leg.) gerenti: the computer has a two-year ~, komputer itu mempunyai jaminan dua tahun; is the washing machine still under ~?, adakah mesin basuh itu masih dlm jaminan?; the union wanted some ~ that the management would give the matter due consideration, kesatuan sekerja mahukan suatu jaminan bahawa pihak pengurusan akan memberikan pertimbangan sewajarnya thdp perkara itu; ~ letter, surat jaminan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
demandn 1. peremptory request, desakan; (for what one believes to be o’s rights) tuntutan: a child’s ~ for attention, desakan seorang anak utk mendapat perhatian; all ~s for payment of the bill were ignored, semua tuntutan bayaran tdk dipedulikan; the union’s ~s are quite reasonable, tuntutan-tuntutan kesatuan itu agak wajar; 2. urgent, pressing claim, tuntutan, desakan: the ~s on o’s time, tuntutan thdp masa sso; 3. (econ) permintaan: supply and ~, penawaran dan permintaan; the ~ for skilled labour, permintaan utk pekerja-pekerja mahir; ~ curve, keluk permintaan; ~ price, harga permintaan; ~ schedule, jadual permintaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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