desolate | vt 1. depopulate, (act.), (hampir) memupuskan penduduk; (pass.) penduduk (hampir) pupus, hampir pupus penduduknya: the plague had ~d the village, wabak penyakit hampir memupuskan penduduk di kampung itu; a country ~d by civil wars, negara yg hampir pupus penduduknya akibat perang saudara; 2. devastate, (act.) memusnahkan, membinasakan; (pass.) musnah, binasa: the city has been ~d by persistent bombardment, bandar raya itu musnah akibat pengeboman yg berterusan; 3. make forlorn, (act.) membuat [sso] /kesepian, berasa sepi/; (pass.) kesepian, berasa sepi: he was utterly ~d by his son’s death, dia kesepian disebabkan kematian anaknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
isolation | n 1. state of being, a. (cut off from other people, places, etc) keterasingan: the ~ of city life, keterasingan hidup di kota ; b. (alone, lonely) kesepian, kesunyian, (keadaan) /terasing, terpencil/: unwed mothers who live a miserable life in ~, ibu-ibu yg tdk berkahwin yg hidup dlm kesedihan dan kesepian; 2. act, process of, a. (causing so. to be cut of from others because of disease) pengasingan: ~ is the only method of controlling the spread of the disease, pengasingan ialah satu-satunya cara utk mengawal merebaknya penyakit tersebut; ~ ward, wad pengasingan; b. (alienating) pemulauan; c. (separating from other substances) mengasingkan: the ~ of a cancer cell, pengasingan sel kanser; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
desolate | adj 1. unlived in, deserted, [various translations]: the ~ wastes of Central Asia, kawasan tanah tandus Asia Tengah yg tdk didiami; a ~ old house, rumah lama yg terbiar; 2. forlorn, kesepian; (of life, existence) sepi: she was ~ after the death of her husband, dia kesepian selepas kematian suaminya; to lead a ~ life, menjalani kehidupan yg sepi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ghostly | adj 1. eerie, menyeramkan, menggerunkan: the street looks ~ at night, jalan itu kelihatan menggerunkan pd waktu malam; in the ~ silence..., dlm kesepian yg menyeramkan itu...; 2. resembling a ghost, spt hantu: she looks ~ in that white robe, dia kelihatan spt hantu ketika memakai jubah putih itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
desolation | n 1. devastation, pemusnahan, pembinasaan; 2. state of being desolated, kemusnahan: the ~ brought about by war, kemusnahan yg disebabkan peperangan; 3. solitary misery, wretchedness, kesepian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disturb | vt 1. change normal place or condition of, (act.) mengusik; (pass.) terusik: the furniture hadn’t been ~ed during the robbery, perabot tdk terusik dlm rompakan itu; 2. interfere with, break in upon, mengganggu: a loud noise ~ed the silence of the night, bunyi yg kuat telah mengganggu kesepian malam; ~ the peace, mengganggu ketenteraman; talk quietly so as not to ~ the sleeping child, bercakaplah dgn perlahan supaya tdk mengganggu kanak-kanak yg sedang tidur itu; 3. worry, membimbangkan: his inclination towards socialism ~ed us, kecenderungannya ke arah sosialisme membimbangkan kami; 4. inconvenience, menyusahkan: do not ~ yourself to make drinks for us, jangan menyusahkan diri membuat minuman utk kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creepy | adj (colloq) 1. having a shuddering feeling, (berasa) seram: the story makes me feel ~, cerita itu membuat saya berasa seram; 2. causing a shuddering feeling, menyeramkan: there is something ~ about him, ada sst yg menyeramkan pd dirinya; a ~ silence, kesepian yg menyeramkan; ~ story, cerita seram. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |