conclusion | n 1. (end, termination) tamat, berakhir, selesai; (closing part) bahagian akhir; (of book, speech, etc) kesimpulan; in ~, akhir sekali, sebagai penutup; 2. deduction, kesimpulan; /come to, reach/ a ~, membuat kesimpulan; draw a ~, membuat kesimpulan; jump to ~s, membuat kesimpulan dgn tergesa-gesa; 3. act of arranging and setting, a. (agreement, treaty, etc) pengikatan: the ~ of the trade agreement with Bulgaria, pengikatan perjanjian perdagangan dgn Bulgaria; b. (sale, deal, negotiation, etc) pencapaian persetujuan dlm; c. (alliance) pembentukan, d. (compromise) pencapaian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
implicit | adj 1. implied, tersirat: all the conditions whether explicit or ~ must be agreed to, semua syarat, sama ada nyata atau tersirat, mestilah dipersetujui; her reply carried an ~ threat, jawapannya mengandungi ugutan yg tersirat; although he draws no conclusions, they are ~ in his argument, walaupun dia tdk membuat sebarang kesimpulan, kesimpulan itu tersirat dlm hujahnya; 2. unquestioning, absolute, penuh; (of obedience) mutlak: I have ~ faith in his ability to cope with the situation, saya mempunyai kepercayaan penuh thdp kebolehannya menghadapi keadaan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inference | n 1. act, process of forming conclusion, membuat kesimpulan; (leg.) membuat inferens; if... then by ~ ..., jika... kesimpulannya...: if we are at fault, then by ~ so are you, jika kami bersalah, kesimpulannya, kamu juga bersalah; 2. conclusion, st inferred, kesimpulan; (leg.) inferens: it was a reasonable ~ to draw from the statement, itu kesimpulan yg wajar yg dibuat berdasarkan kenyataan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amenable | adj 1. always ~ to, responsive, mahu + approp v: he is not ~ to discipline, dia tdk mahu mengikut disiplin; a man who is ~ to advice, orang yg mahu mendengar nasihat; 2. willing to yield, submit, mahu mengalah: he found his future wife ~, dia mendapati bakal isterinya mahu mengalah; 3. always ~ to, answerable, responsible, bertanggungjawab: ~ to the law, bertanggungjawab thdp undang-undang; 4. able to withstand testing, tahan uji: the results were ~ to scientific laws, kesimpulan-kesimpulan itu tahan uji menurut hukum-hukum sains. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deduce | vt 1. (gen) menyimpulkan, /membuat, menarik/ kesimpulan: it has been ~d from these facts that ..., berdasarkan fakta-fakta ini telah disimpulkan bahawa ...; we can ~ from his reaction that he was willing to cooperate, drpd reaksinya kita dapat membuat kesimpulan bahawa dia sanggup bekerjasama; 2. (result, method, rule, etc) menyimpulkan; (tech) mendeduksi: to ~ a hypothesis, menyimpulkan satu hipotesis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conclude | vt 1. bring to an end, mengakhiri, menamatkan: he ~d his speech with an appeal for greater cooperation among member countries, dia mengakhiri ucapannya dgn merayu supaya negara-negara anggota bekerjasama dgn lebih erat; 2. deduce, membuat kesimpulan, menyimpulkan: after considerable deliberation, we ~d that stricter control of prices was necessary, setelah mempertimbangkan hal itu dgn agak lama, kami membuat kesimpulan bahawa kawalan harga yg lebih ketat adalah perlu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fact | n 1. verifiable statement, proposition, fakta: to deduce from the given ~s, membuat kesimpulan drpd fakta-fakta yg diberikan; he is sure of his ~s, dia yakin ttg fakta-faktanya; 2. reality, truth, kenyataan, hakikat: ~ is often stranger than fiction, kenyataan selalunya lebih aneh drpd khayalan; no one can deny the ~ that he is a good worker, tdk siapa pun yg boleh menafikan kenyataan bahawa dia seorang pekerja yg baik; poverty is a ~ to be reckoned with, kemiskinan merupakan kenyataan yg mesti dihadapi; a ~ of life, kenyataan hidup; 3. (leg.) fakta: ~ in issue, fakta persoalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corollary | n 1. natural outcome, ekoran, akibat: misery is the ~ of war, penderitaan adalah ekoran drpd peperangan; 2. immediate deduction, inference, natijah, kesimpulan: a ~ of the previous proposition satu natijah drpd usul terdahulu; 3. (math) korolari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affect 1 | vt 1. act upon esp adversely, (act.) menjejaskan; (pass.) terjejas: the dry season ~ed the rice crop, musim kemarau menjejaskan hasil padi; heavy rain did not ~ the attendance at the match, hujan lebat tdk menjejaskan kehadiran penonton di perlawanan itu; smoking ~s health, merokok menjejaskan kesihatan; 2. involve, concern, (act.) melibatkan; (pass.) terlibat: this order ~s all public servants, perintah ini melibatkan semua kakitangan awam; these restrictions ~ canned food particularly, sekatan-sekatan ini melibatkan makanan dlm tin khususnya; a decision that ~s me personally, keputusan yg melibatkan saya secara peribadi; 3. influence, mempengaruhi: soil conditions ~ plant growth, keadaan tanah mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman; facts that ~ed the findings, fakta-fakta yg mempengaruhi kesimpulan yg dicapai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
generalize | vt 1. give general applicability to, membuat [n] lebih umum: to ~ a law, membuat undang-undang lebih umum; 2. draw, membuat: to ~ a conclusion, membuat kesimpulan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |