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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

decencyn 1. propriety, kesopanan: an act that violates ~, satu perbuatan yg melanggar kesopanan; should have the ~ to, sepatutnya: he should have had the ~ to tell his parents where he was going, sepatutnya dia beritahu ibu bapanya ke mana dia hendak pergi; 2. (in pl) social conventions, tatasusila, kesusilaan: to observe the common decencies, mematuhi tatasusila yg lazim.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
civilityn 1. politeness, ketertiban, kesopanan; 2. polite words, kata-kata sopan; exchange of civilities, berbasa basi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gentilityn ( fml or liter.) 1. high social status, gentle birth, taraf kelas atasan; 2. politeness, kesopanan, kehalusan budi pekerti.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
consistentadj 1. marked by harmony, regularity, continuity, tekal, konsisten: a ~ advocate of social reform, penyokong reformasi sosial yg tekal; an unimaginative but ~ player, pemain yg tdk berimaginasi tetapi tekal; well-thought-out and ~ arguments, hujah-hujah yg baik dan tekal; 2. in agreement, sejajar, selaras: behaviour that is not ~ with good manners, kelakuan yg tdk selaras dgn adab kesopanan; what you say now is not ~ with the statement you made last week, apa yg kamu katakan sekarang tdk sejajar dgn kenyataan yg kamu buat minggu lalu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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