chirrup | vi mencicip, mencicit: crickets ~ing in the quiet of the night, cengkerik yg mencicip dlm kesunyian malam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | his plan broke the deadlock, rancangannya memecahkan kebuntuan itu; a loud explosion broke the silence, letupan yg kuat memecahkan kesunyian; 2. sever, part, a. (deliberately) memutuskan: to ~ an electrical circuit, memutuskan litar elektrik; to ~ a light beam, memutuskan sorotan cahaya; b. (accidentally) putus, menyebabkan [sst] putus: the extra load broke the rope, tali itu putus krn beban tambahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hint | vi & vt membayangkan, membayang-bayangkan, mengilat-ngilatkan: she ~ed to her husband that she was feeling lonely, dia membayangkan pd suaminya bahawa dia kesunyian; the new manager ~ed that staff changes were likely, pengurus baru membayang-bayangkan bahawa pertukaran kakitangan mungkin berlaku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
isolation | n 1. state of being, a. (cut off from other people, places, etc) keterasingan: the ~ of city life, keterasingan hidup di kota ; b. (alone, lonely) kesepian, kesunyian, (keadaan) /terasing, terpencil/: unwed mothers who live a miserable life in ~, ibu-ibu yg tdk berkahwin yg hidup dlm kesedihan dan kesepian; 2. act, process of, a. (causing so. to be cut of from others because of disease) pengasingan: ~ is the only method of controlling the spread of the disease, pengasingan ialah satu-satunya cara utk mengawal merebaknya penyakit tersebut; ~ ward, wad pengasingan; b. (alienating) pemulauan; c. (separating from other substances) mengasingkan: the ~ of a cancer cell, pengasingan sel kanser; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
companionable | adj [no specif translation]: they shared a ~ afternoon talking about the good old days, mereka menghabiskan petang itu berbual-bual ttg masa silam; to sit on the verandah in ~ silence, duduk di beranda sambil menikmati kesunyian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dead | be ~ to the world, (colloq) a. be sound asleep, tidur mati; b. be unconscious, tdk sedarkan diri; be in ~ fear of, (berasa) gentar akan, (berasa) amat takut akan; be in ~ trouble, (colloq) nahas, mati: you’ll be in ~ trouble if your mother finds out, nahas kamu sekiranya ibu kamu mendapat tahu; drop ~, (interj) pergi mampus; in the ~ hours of the night, dlm /kesepian, kesunyian, keheningan/ malam; keep st a ~ secret, merahsiakan sst: budget provisions are kept a ~ secret until the budget is brought down, peruntukan belanjawan dirahsiakan sehingga belanjawan dibentangkan; shoot ~, menembak mati; the ~, (orang) yg mati: the living and the ~, yg hidup dan yg mati; wouldn’t be seen ~, mati pun [sso] tdk akan: he wouldn’t be seen ~ in that place, mati pun, dia tdk akan ke tempat itu; I wouldn’t be seen ~ talking to her, mati pun saya tdk akan bercakap dengannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |