inefficiency | n ketidakcekapan, tdk /cekap, efisien/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ineptitude, ineptness | n quality of being incompetent, unskilful, ketidakcekapan, tdk /cekap, mahir/: these difficulties are the products of administrative ~, kesulitan-kesulitan ini disebabkan oleh pentadbiran yg tdk cekap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ineffectiveness | n 1. quality of not producing desired effect, ketidakberkesanan, tdk /berkesan, efektif/: the ~ of the foreign policies, ketidakberkesanan dasar luar negeri; 2. (of person) inefficiency, ketidakcekapan, tdk /cekap, efektif/: the situation was brought about by his ~as a manager, keadaan itu wujud krn dia tdk cekap sbg pengurus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
byword | n 1. so., st spoken of as a notable example, (approvingly) contoh; (contemptuously) lambang: their name is a ~ for good service, nama mereka menjadi contoh krn perkhidmatan yg baik; a department that has become the ~ for inefficiency, jabatan yg menjadi lambang ketidakcekapan; 2. common saying, pepatah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |