antepenultimate, antepenult | adj ketiga terakhir: in the series of words “pray”, “plead”, “appeal”, “request”, the ~ word is “plead”, dlm siri perkataan “pray, “plead”, “appeal”, “request”, perkataan yg ketiga terakhir ialah “plead”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antepenultimate, antepenult | n approp n + yg ketiga terakhir: in the word “temerity”, the syllable “me” is the ~, dlm perkataan "temerity”, suku kata “me” adalah suku kata yg ketiga terakhir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | d. (in combination with numeral, or numeral and n) ke-[reduplicated numeral]-nya, ke-[reduplicated numeral]: ~ three (of the) girls are singers, ketiga-tiga gadis itu penyanyi or gadis itu ketiga-tiganya penyanyi or gadis itu penyanyi ketiga-tiganya; don’t eat ~ four, jangan makan keempat-empatnya; e. (in combination with numeral and pers. pron) ber-[numeral]: ~ four of you must come to the ceremony, you must ~ four come to the ceremony, kamu berempat mesti menghadiri upacara itu; f. (in combination with relative clause, or with n and relative clause) semua(nya) [relative clause], semua; (fml) segala: ~ (that) you need is to be found in our library, semua yg anda perlukan boleh didapat di perpustakaan kami; ~ the facilities that one could desire have been made available, semua kemudahan or segala kemudahan yg diingini telah disediakan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
generation | 6. (indic how long members of a family have had a particular nationality) generasi: third - ~ American, orang Amerika generasi ketiga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
down1 | (an illness), (colloq) kena: it’s the third time I’ve come ~ with the flu this month, ini kali ketiga saya kena flu bulan ini; come ~ on so., memarahi sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ally | vt 1. unite, (by treaty) bersekutu: a Third World country which allied itself with a superpower, sebuah negara Dunia Ketiga yg bersekutu dgn sebuah kuasa besar; 2. (usu pass.) connect (by likeness, resemblance, descent) ada persamaannya: a disease that is closely allied to dysentry, penyakit yg ada persamaannya yg rapat dgn penyakit disentri; English is allied to German, bahasa Inggeris ada persamaannya dgn bahasa Jerman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consolidate | vt 1. unite, combine, menggabungkan, menyatukan; (debt, fund, etc) menyatukan: made plans to ~ the 3 companies, merancang utk menggabungkan ketiga-tiga syarikat itu; 2. strengthen, mengukuhkan, memperkukuh: to ~ o’s position, mengukuhkan kedudukan sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finish | b. finish race etc (in certain position) mendapat tempat; (colloq) mendapat nombor: Bulgaria ~ed third in the high jump, Bulgaria mendapat tempat ketiga or mendapat nombor tiga dlm acara lompat tinggi; where did Zaitun ~?, Zaitun mendapat tempat keberapa?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
base1 | vt station, place, a. (mil), (act) menempatkan; (pass) berpangkalan, bertempat, ditempatkan: the army decided to ~ the Third Brigade in the north, pihak tentera memutuskan utk menempatkan Briged Ketiga di utara; b. (other than military) berpusat, pusat /operasi, kegiatan/: our company is ~d in Hong Kong, syarikat kami berpusat di Hong Kong; where are you ~d?, di mana pusat operasi kamu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 11. being included as part of, can be found in, dalam: there are sixty seconds ~ a minute, ada enam puluh saat dalam satu minit; the Prime Minister mentioned it ~ his speech, Perdana Menteri menyentuh perkara itu dalam ucapannya; the third word ~ the sentence, perkataan ketiga dalam ayat itu; he read it ~ the papers, dia membacanya dalam surat habar; 12. (ref to so., st that is part of a group of persons or things) dalam: they stood ~ the queue for over an hour, mereka berdiri dalam barisan lebih drpd satu jam; there are three linguists ~ this faculty, ada tiga orang ahli bahasa dalam fakulti ini; the position of the artist ~ society, kedudukan seniman dalam masyarakat; the best ~ its class, yg paling baik dalam kelasnya; ants live ~ colonies, semut hidup dalam koloni; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |