gain | n 1. profit, laba, keuntungan: love of ~, suka mencari keuntungan; to invest a lot of money in property with the hope of ~, melaburkan wang yg banyak dgn membeli harta utk mendapatkan keuntungan; 2. advantage, improvement, [various translations]: his loss is our ~, kerugiannya ialah keuntungan kita; the compromises reached and the ~s achieved at the summit, tolak ansur dan kemajuan yg dicapai di sidang kemuncak itu; the Labour Party’s ~s in the election surprised many people, pertambahan kerusi bagi Parti Buruh dlm pilihan raya itu memeranjatkan ramai orang; a ~ in confidence, bertambah yakin; 3. act of gaining, acquisition, pemerolehan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commercial | adj 1. of, rel to commerce, perdagangan: ~ law, undang-undang perdagangan; ~ English, bahasa Inggeris perdagangan; 2. (derog) made, done for profit, mementingkan keuntungan, komersil: his latest novel is rather ~, novel terbarunya agak komersil; 3. a. likely to produce profit, boleh mendatangkan keuntungan: silver was found in ~ quantities, perak dijumpai dlm jumlah yg boleh mendatangkan keuntungan; b. producing profit, /mengaut, meraih/ keuntungan: everyone was confident that the film would be a ~ success, semua orang yakin bahawa filem itu akan berjaya mengaut keuntungan; 4. sponsored by charges made for advertising, komersil: ~ television, televisyen komersil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gain | vi 1. derive benefit, beruntung, menguntungkan; (in form of profit) mendapat /keuntungan, laba/: he will ~ in the long run by his patience, dia akan beruntung akhirnya sekiranya dia bersabar; she will definitely ~ from the experience, pengalaman itu tentu saja menguntungkannya; since I put up the capital, I expect to ~ from the venture, oleh sebab saya yg mendahulukan modal, saya berharap akan mendapat keuntungan drpd urusniaga itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impulse | n 1. impetus, dorongan: under the ~ of larger profits, atas dorongan keuntungan yg lebih besar; 2. sudden urge, tergerak hati: he had a sudden ~ to throw the book into the fire, dia tiba-tiba tergerak hati utk mencampakkan buku itu ke dlm api; on (an) ~, mengikut gerak hati: he acted on ~, dia bertindak mengikut gerak hatinya; 3. (phys) impuls: these ~s are received by the radio set, impuls-impuls ini diterima oleh radio; 4. (physiol) impuls. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
capitalize, capitalise | vt 1. utilize as capital, memodalkan, menjadikan modal: to ~ undistributed profit, memodalkan keuntungan yg tdk diagihkan; 2. provide with capital, memodali: to ~ a business, memodali (sst) perniagaan; 3. write in capital letter(s), menulis dgn huruf besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distribution | n 1. act of a. (dividing) pembahagian, pengagihan: the yearly ~ of profits, pembahagian keuntungan setiap tahun; b. (dealing out) pengedaran; 2. positioning, arrangement, taburan: population ~, taburan penduduk; 3. (econ) pengedaran, pengagihan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amalgamate | vi 1. combine, unite, bergabung, bersatu: when the two companies ~ profits will increase, apabila kedua-dua buah syarikat itu bergabung keuntungan akan bertambah; 2. combine with mercury, beramalgam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aggregate | vi 1. collect together, berkumpul; 2. (colloq) amount to, berjumlah: profits that ~d 56 million ringgit, keuntungan yg berjumlah 56 juta ringgit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
colossal | adj 1. gigantic, raksasa, sangat besar; (of problem) sangat besar: a ~ statue, patung raksasa; 2. large in quantity, sangat banyak: ~ profits, keuntungan yg sangat banyak; 3. (colloq) remarkable, melampau-lampau, berlebih-lebihan: ~ impudence, kebiadaban yg melampau-melampau. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disgorge | vt 1. vomit, memuntahkan: a volcano disgorging lava, gunung berapi yg memuntahkan lava; 2. (colloq) give up, hand back, menyerahkan kembali: to ~ ill-gotten gains, menyerahkan kembali keuntungan yg diperoleh secara haram; 3. pour out, melimpah; (crowds of people) berduyun-duyun keluar: the burst pipes ~d gallons of water, bergelen-gelen air melimpah dr paip-paip yg bocor; to ~ /itself, its waters/ into, melimpah ke: the Mississippi ~s its waters into the Gulf of Mexico, air sungai Mississippi melimpah ke Teluk Mexico. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |