humiliate | vt (act.) memalukan, mengaibkan; (pass.) malu, aib: he accused me in public to ~ me, dia menuduh saya di khalayak ramai utk memalukan saya; he felt ~d that his younger brother could defeat him, dia berasa malu krn adik lelakinya dapat mengalahkannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appear | 6. come before the public, a. (gen) tampil: you cannot ~ in public dressed in such clothes, kamu tdk boleh tampil di khalayak ramai dgn berpakaian begitu; he was invited to ~ before the delegates at the convention, dia dipersilakan tampil di hadapan perwakilan dlm perhimpunan itu; b. (in a publication) tersiar: his article ~ed in a medical journal, artikelnya tersiar dlm sebuah jurnal perubatan; it was the first time his photograph had ever ~ed in a newspaper, itulah kali pertama gambarnya tersiar dlm akhbar; c. (of publication) terbit: a new magazine will ~ next month, sebuah majalah baru akan terbit pd bulan hadapan; d. (of recording) dikeluarkan; e. (for sale) terdapat: his latest novel first ~ed in the shops last week, novel terbarunya terdapat pd kali pertama di kedai-kedai minggu lepas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appearance | 3. coming before the public, a. (gen) tampil: it was the first public ~ of the baby prince, itulah kali pertama bayi diraja itu tampil di khalayak ramai; b. (in a publication) penyiaran, tersiar: he was upset over the ~ of his name in connection with the scandal, fikirannya terganggu apabila tersiar namanya berkaitan dengan skandal itu; c. (in the form of a publication) penerbitan: the ~ of his novel was delayed by a printers’ strike, penerbitan novelnya tergendala oleh mogok pekerja-pekerja cetak; d. (in the form of a recording) pengeluaran; e. (for sale) terdapatnya; f. (as an actor, performer, etc) kemunculan, muncul: this was to be his last ~ at the Sydney Opera House, ini sepatutnya kali terakhir dia muncul di Rumah Opera Sydney; 4. attendance, kehadiran: her ~ at any party adds glamour to it, kehadirannya di majlis mana-mana akan menyerikan lagi majlis itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
groomed | adj usu /well-, perfectly, etc/ ~, kelihatan /rapi, kemas, sangat rapi, sangat kemas, dll/: if you’re in the public eye it’s important to be well-~, jika kamu selalu muncul di khalayak ramai, adalah penting utk kelihatan kemas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embarrassed | adj 1. abashed, (berasa) malu: he was ~ by his mistakes, dia berasa malu akibat kesalahannya; I always feel ~ when speaking in public, saya selalu berasa malu apabila bercakap di khalayak ramai; 2. in financial difficulties, kesesakan wang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hanging | n 1. punishment by execution on the gallows, hukuman gantung: ~ was abolished at the turn of the century, hukuman gantung dihapuskan di penghujung abad itu; 2. act of hanging so., penggantungan: a public ~, penggantungan di khalayak ramai; 3. (usu in pl) cloth, drapery, etc hung on the wall, approp n + dinding: expensive ~s from India, hamparan dinding yg mahal dr India. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eastern | adj 1., situated in the east (of) timur: the ~ states of Australia, wilayah timur Australia; 2. timur: the ~ sky, langit di sebelah timur; 3. leading towards the east, menuju ke timur: ~ route, jalan yg menuju ke timur; 4. of the East or its people, (orang) Timur: ~ culture, kebudayaan (orang) Timur; kissing in public is not an ~ practice, berkucupan di khalayak ramai bukannya amalan orang Timur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |