dreamy | adj 1. (of person) suka /berangan-angan, berkhayal/: he is just a ~ idealist, dia seorang idealis yg suka berangan-angan; 2. faraway, khayal: a ~ smile played on her lips, senyuman khayal bermain di bibirnya; 3. lulling, relaxing, mengkhayalkan: the music was soft and ~, muzik itu perlahan dan mengkhayalkan; 4. vague, kabur, samar-samar: a ~ recollection of the night’s events, ingatan kabur ttg kejadian malam itu; 5. (colloq) fantastic, wonderful, cun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gone | adj 1. (in poor health) teruk; (suffering the effects of drug) khayal; (suffering the effects of alcohol) mabuk: he’s too far ~ to understand what we are saying, dia terlalu mabuk utk memahami apa yg kita katakan; 2. pregnant for a specified time, mengandung: she’s eight months ~, dia mengandung lapan bulan; 3. (colloq) be infatuated, gila: my son is really ~ on the Smith girl, anak lelaki saya betul-betul gila pd anak perempuan Smith; 4. a. departed, pergi: he hopped onto his motorcycle and was ~, dia melompat ke atas motosikalnya dan pergi; b. (of excitement, enthusiasm, etc) no longer there, hilang, tdk ada lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |