kilometre , (US) kilometer | n kilometer. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abbreviation | n 1. act of abbreviating, a. (word, phrase) penyingkatan; b. (article, speech, etc) peringkasan, penyingkatan, pemendekan; 2. abbreviated form, singkatan, kependekan: "km" is the ~ for "kilometer", "km ialah kependekan bagi "kilometer". | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cycle | vi berbasikal, menunggang basikal: he has to ~ four kilometres to school, dia terpaksa berbasikal sejauh empat kilometer ke sekolah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hundred | adj & n 1. ten times ten, ratus: one ~ and eight, seratus lapan; two ~ kilometres, dua ratus kilometer; 2. the age of 100, seratus tahun: she lived to be a ~, dia hidup sehingga seratus tahun; 3. (in pl) large number (of) beratus-ratus, ratusan: ~s of people came to the funeral, beratus-ratus orang menghadiri pengebumian itu; by the ~s, beratus-ratus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
away | adv 1. distant, a. (in space), (jauhnya) dr /sini, situ, tempat ini, tempat itu/: our house is two kilometres ~, rumah kami dua kilometer jauhnya dr sini; I can’t wait to get ~, saya tak sabar utk pergi dr sini; b. (in time) lagi: his sixtieth birthday is only a month ~, hari jadinya yg keenam puluh hanya sebulan lagi; 2. (foll by adv) a. in the distance, jauh: we could see the enemy positions ~ over to our right, kami dapat melihat kedudukan musuh jauh di sebelah kanan kami; he lives ~ on the other side of the river, dia tinggal jauh di sebelah sana sungai; b. in the past, dulu, dahulu: ~ back in the tenth century..., dlm abad kesepuluh dulu...; 3. absent, tdk ada: the boss was ~ yesterday, ketua tdk ada semalam; she’s ~ at a conference, dia tdk ada krn menghadiri persidangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distance | at a ~, dr jauh; (when specified) dr jarak: the noise of the machinery could be heard at a ~ of one kilometre, bunyi bising mesin itu dapat didengar dr jarak satu kilometer; be /a considerable, quite a, some/ ~ (from), (agak) jauh: the post office is quite a ~ from here, pejabat pos itu agak jauh dr sini; for a ~ of, sejauh: the river is navigable for a ~ of 100 miles, sungai itu boleh dilalui sejauh 100 batu; from a ~, dr jauh; (when the distance is specified) dr jarak: he observed her from a ~, dia memerhatinya dr jauh; the house can be seen from a ~ of 50 metres, rumah itu dapat dilihat dr jarak 50 meter; go the ~, approp v + sehingga tamat: he is taking part in the cross-country but I doubt if he will go the ~, dia akan mengambil bahagian dlm acara rentas desa tetapi saya tdk yakin dia boleh meneruskan larian sehingga tamat; in the ~, di kejauhan: they heard the sound of thunder in the ~, mereka terdengar bunyi guruh di kejauhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drain | ~ so. of st, a. (strength, energy, etc), (act.) menyebabkan sso kehabisan sst; (pass.) sso kehabisan sst: the three-kilometre run had ~ed me of all my strength, berlari sejauh tiga kilometer telah menyebabkan saya kehabisan tenaga; b. (will, enthusiasm, etc), (act.) menyebabkan [sso] hilang sst; (pass.) sst hilang: he had been ~ed of the very will to survive, semangatnya utk terus hidup telah hilang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
away | ~ from, a. (rel to distance), (jauhnya) dari; (described in terms of time taken to get to place referred to) perjalanan dr: the airport is only five kilometres ~ from my office, lapangan terbang itu hanya lima kilometer dari rumah saya; we are only half an hour ~ from Seremban, rumah kami hanya setengah jam perjalanan dr Seremban; b. (rel to time), [n] lagi dr: the general elections are a year ~ from the time of writing, pilihan raya umum setahun lagi dr waktu rencana ini ditulis; c. (rel to action), (so as to be further from a particular place) meninggalkan: he turned abruptly and walked ~ from our table, dia tiba-tiba berpusing lalu berjalan meninggalkan meja kami; d. absent from, (home) tdk tinggal di [rumah]; (school) tdk /hadir di, ke/ [sekolah]: the children are ~ from home at a boarding school, anak-anak saya tdk tinggal di rumah tetapi tinggal di sekolah berasrama; he’ll be ~ from school for at least three days, dia tdk akan hadir di sekolah sekurang-kurangnya tiga hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conversion | n 1. act, process of changing, a. (in character, function, etc) penukaran: the ~ of water into ice, penukaran air menjadi ais; the ~ of miles to kilometres, penukaran ukuran batu kpd kilometer; b. (from no religion to a particular religion) menjadikan [sso] beragama [n]; (to Christianity) mengkristiankan; (to Islam) mengislamkan; c. (to another religion), /memeluk, masuk/ (n): following her ~ to Judaism..., setelah dia memeluk agama Yahudi...; d. (to a particular opinion, ideology, etc) menukar haluan; 2. adaptation of building etc, pengubahsuaian: the plans for the ~ of the room into a studio are now ready, pelan pengubahsuaian bilik itu sudah pun siap; 3. (leg.) konversi: the ~ of public funds, konversi wang kerajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
course | in the /normal, ordinary/ ~ of events, in the ordinary ~ of nature, dlm keadaan biasa: in the ordinary ~ of events, recovery will take two weeks, dlm keadaan biasa, penyembuhan akan mengambil masa dua minggu; let matters take their ~, biarlah keadaan menentukannya; of ~, sudah tentu; /on, off/ ~, /mengikut, tdk mengikut/ haluan; stay the ~, terus + approp v: the runner was tired after the first kilometer but he stayed the ~, pelari itu keletihan selepas kilometer yg pertama, namun dia terus berlari; /take, run/ its ~, (of illness) sembuh sendiri; the law must take its ~, proses undang-undang akan menentukannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |