star | n 1. any luminous celestial body such as comet, meteor, planet, etc, bintang: the cowboys slept out under the ~s, koboi-koboi itu tidur di luar di bawah sinaran bintang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ride | vt 1. sit on and control, menunggang: can you ~ a bicycle?, kamu boleh menunggang basikal?; the Bedouins ~ their camels for miles, orang Badui menunggang unta mereka berbatu-batu jauhnya; 2. go through or over, a. (on a horse etc) merentasi [sst] dgn kuda: cowboys who ~ the plains, koboi-koboi yg merentasi dataran dgn kuda; b. (on a bicycle etc) merentasi [sst] dgn /basikal, motosikal, dll [as appropriate]/: the boy scouts rode the countryside to get a feel of the place, budak-budak pengakap merentasi kawasan desa dgn basikal utk menikmati keindahannya; 3. be carried across, [various translations]: the ship ~s the waves, kapal belayar dibawa gelombang; a gull riding the wind, burung camar yg terbang mengikut angin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ring 1 | vt 1. surround, encircle, melingkari, mengelilingi: the valley was ~ed by high mountains, lembah itu dilingkari gunung-gunung yg tinggi; 2. make a ring round, membuat bulatan pd: he ~ed the spelling mistakes with red pencil, dia membuat bulatan pd kesalahan-kesalahan ejaan itu dgn pensel merah; 3. put a ring on, memasang cecincin (pd): homing pigeons are ~ed, burung merpati pengutus dipasang cecincin pd kakinya; 4. hem in (cattle etc) mengepung dgn membuat bulatan: the cowboys ~ed the cattle, koboi-koboi mengepung lembu-lembu itu dgn membuat bulatan; 5. (in games) throw a ring round, membaling cecincin pd. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cowboy | n koboi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stetson | n topi koboi, (topi) stetson. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Western | n (story, film) cerita koboi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hat | n topi: cowboy ~, topi koboi; at the drop of a ~, dgn tdk teragak-agak: they will come to your aid at the drop of a ~, mereka akan datang membantu kamu dgn tdk teragak-agak; eat o’s ~, berani kerat jari: if you win I’ll eat my ~, saya berani kerat jari jika kamu menang; hang up o’s ~, berhenti kerja; keep st under o’s ~, merahsiakan sst; old ~, (colloq) basi; (of work) biasa sangat: that news is old ~ now, berita itu sudah basi sekarang; she has done this work so many times that it’s now old ~, dia telah membuat kerja ini banyak kali hingga sudah menjadi biasa sangat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bulge | vi membonjol; (of eyes) tersembul; (of stomach) menjadi buncit: cowboys, with guns bulging on their hips, koboi, dgn pistol yg membonjol di pinggul; his stomach ~es after a heavy meal, perutnya menjadi buncit selepas makan banyak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swing | 3. move in an arc or a sweeping curve, a. (of person) mengayunkan badan sso: the cowboy put his foot in the stirrup and swung into the saddle, koboi itu meletakkan kakinya pd rakap lalu mengayunkan badannya ke atas pelana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
precise | kapal terbang yg akan saya naiki berlepas lebih kurang pukul sembilan – tepatnya pukul 9.04; b. (of place) same, betul-betul: the cowboy was buried at the ~ place where he had been shot, koboi itu telah dikuburkan betul-betul di tempat dia ditembak; 2. meticulous, teliti: my mother is a neat and ~ person, ibu saya seorang yg kemas dan teliti; 3. (derog) fussy, cerewet: my room-mate is too ~ for my liking, bagi saya, rakan sebilik saya terlalu cerewet. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |