code | <i>ni> 1. <i>body of laws,i> kanun: <i>section 45 of the penal ~,i> seksyen 45 kanun jenayah; 2. <i>system of principles,i> tata: <i>~ of behaviour,i> tatalaku; <i>~ of ethics,i> tataetika; <i>moral ~,i> tatamoral; 3. <i>system of secret words, letters, etc,i> kod: <i>Morse ~,i> kod Morse; <i>a message typed in ~,i> mesej yg ditaip dlm bentuk kod; 4. <i>system of letters or numbers used for identification,i> kod: <i>~ number,i> nombor kod; <i>post ~,i> poskod; <i>dialling ~,i> kod mendail; <i>exchange ~,i> kod ibu sawat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decipher | <i>vti> 1. <i>decode,i> menyahkod, mentafsirkan kod: <i>the cable has not yet been ~ed,i> kabel itu belum lagi dinyahkod; 2. <i>discern form, meaning of,i> mentafsirkan; (<i>bad handwritingi>) membaca: <i>to ~ old inscriptions,i> mentafsirkan suratan-suratan lama; <i>it is quite difficult to ~ his scribble,i> agak sukar utk menbaca tulisannya yg buruk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ethic | <i>ni> 1. <i>system of moral principles or values,i> etika: <i>the Christian ~,i> etika Kristian; 2. (<i>in pli>)<i>science that deals with morals,i> (ilmu) etika; 3. (<i>in pli>)<i>moral rules or principles of behaviour,i> etika:i> he has acted contrary to the ~s of the profession,i> dia bertindak bertentangan dgn etika profesion; <i>code of ~s,i> kod etika; 4. <i>moral correctness or fitness,i> salah betulnya: <i>the ~s of such a course of action does seem doubtful,i> salah betulnya tindakan begitu agak disangsikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interpreter | <i>ni> 1. <i>person who interprets by translating from one language into another,i> jurubahasa: <i>an ~ at the United Nations,i> jurubahasa di Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu; 2. <i>person who interprets so. else’s work etc,i> pentafsir: <i>a judge is an ~ of the law,i> hakim ialah pentafsir undang-undang; <i>he was famous as the foremost ~ of Beethoven,i> dia terkenal sbg pentafsir utama karya Beethoven; 3. (<i>in computer technologyi>) pentafsir: <i>~ code,i> kod pentafsir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |