foamy | adj berbuih, berbusa: the ~ water of the pond, air kolam yg berbuih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dabble | vt; ~ st in, /mencepuk-cepukkan, mengocak-ngocakkan, menggoyang-goyangkan/ sst; (beak) menyudu-nyudu sst: he ~d his feet in the water, dia mencepuk-cepukkan kakinya di dlm air; the duck ~d its beak in the pond, itik itu menyudu-nyudu air kolam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freeze | vt 1. cause to solidify or be converted to ice, membekukan: she froze the ice-cream in the refrigerator, dia membekukan ais krim itu di dlm peti sejuk; the cold weather has frozen the pond, cuaca sejuk telah membekukan air kolam itu; ~ so’s blood, menyebabkan sso berasa amat takut; 2. cover with ice, melitupi dgn ais: many of the roads up north are frozen, jalan raya di utara kebanyakannya dilitupi ais; 3. clog with ice, menyebabkan [n] tersumbat akibat ais: the sudden cold spell froze the water pipes, cuaca yg tiba-tiba menjadi sejuk menyebabkan paip air tersumbat akibat ais; ; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
float | vt 1. cause to rest on water or in air, mengapungkan: he was ~ing toy boats in the pond, dia mengapungkan perahu mainan di kolam itu; 2. cause to move on water, menghanyutkan: the company ~s all its logs downstream to the log pond, syarikat itu menghanyutkan kesemua kayu balaknya ke hilir sungai sampai ke kolam balak; 3. suggest, mengemukakan, mengajukan, menganjurkan: the dea was first ~ed before the Suez Crisis, gagasan itu pertama kali diajukan sebelum Krisis Suez; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boil2 | vi 1. reach boiling point, menggelegak; mendidih: the water will ~ soon, air itu akan mendidih tdk lama lagi: the kettle is ~ing, air dlm cerek itu sedang mendidih: the potatoes have not ~ed yet, air rebusan ubi kentang itu belum mendidih lagi; 2. bubble up because of heat, menggelegak: pools of ~ing mud, kolam lumpur yg menggelegak; 3. seeth (of waves, sea, etc) bergelora; (of person) darah sso /mendidih, menggelegak/: the sea ~ed in the storm, laut itu bergelora semasa ribut; she was ~ing with rage after the accusation of treachary, darahnya mendidih setelah dituduh berkhianat; make so’s blood ~, menyebabkan darah sso /mendidih, menggelegak/, /mendidihkan, menggelegakkan/ darah sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invigorating | adj cause to be more energetic, [sso] berasa lebih cergas; (of air, climate) menyegarkan; (of tonic, drink) mencergaskan badan: after the ~ walk, they made a beeline for the swimming pool, selepas pergi berjalan-jalan dan berasa lebih cergas, mereka terus menuju ke kolam renang; a massage, followed by an ~ bath, setelah diurut, dia mandi dan berasa lebih cergas; the mountain air was truly ~, udara gunung sungguh menyegarkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
float | vi 1. a. rest on water, mengapung, timbul; (of person) mengapung; (ref to state) terapung; (with bobbing motion) terapung-apung: cork ~s in water, gabus timbul dlm air; he can ~ for hours, dia boleh mengapung berjam-jam lamanya; the leaves of the water-lilies ~ ing on the pond give protection to insects and fish, daun-daun teratai yg terapung di kolam itu memberikan perlindungan pd serangga dan ikan; the body was found ~ing in the harbour, mayat itu dijumpai terapung-apung di pelabuhan; b. rest in air, mengapung: a cloud of dust ~ed in the air, kepulan habuk mengapung di udara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inspiration | n 1. influence arousing creative activity, ilham, inspirasi: Wordsworth drew his ~ from nature, Wordsworth mendapat ilham drpd alam semula jadi; he found ~ in the peace and quiet about him, dia mendapat ilham drpd alam sekelilingnya yg sunyi dan tenang; 2. source that inspires, sumber /ilham, inspirasi/: his father was his ~, bapanyalah sumber ilhamnya; 3. inspired thought, idea, ilham, inspirasi: watching the ducks in the pond, he had a sudden ~, semasa merenung itik-itik di kolam itu, tiba-tiba dia mendapat ilham; 4. process of breathing in air, inspirasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
face | bring ~ to ~, menyemukakan, mempertemukan: the two parties were brought ~ to ~ to settle their differences, kedua-dua pihak disemukakan utk menyelesaikan perselisihan mereka; /come, be/ ~ to ~ (with so.) bersua, bertemu muka (dgn sso): he came ~ to ~ with his ex-fiancée at the party, dia bersua dgn bekas tunangnya di majlis itu; fall on o’s ~, jatuh /tertiarap, tersungkur, tersembam, tertumus/; float ~ down, terapung-apung /menelungkup, menelangkup/: the corpse was floating ~ down in the water, mayat itu terapung-apung menelungkup di dlm air; float ~ up, terapung-apung menelentang: she was floating ~ up in the swimming pool, dia terapung-apung menelentang di dlm kolam renang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
face | turn /so., st/ ~ up, menelentangkan /sso, sst/. bring ~ to ~, menyemukakan, mempertemukan: the two parties were brought ~ to ~ to settle their differences, kedua-dua pihak disemukakan utk menyelesaikan perselisihan mereka; /come, be/ ~ to ~ (with so.) bersua, bertemu muka (dgn sso): he came ~ to ~ with his ex-fiancée at the party, dia bersua dgn bekas tunangnya di majlis itu; fall on o’s ~, jatuh /tertiarap, tersungkur, tersembam, tertumus/; float ~ down, terapung-apung /menelungkup, menelangkup/: the corpse was floating ~ down in the water, mayat itu terapung-apung menelungkup di dlm air; float ~ up, terapung-apung menelentang: she was floating ~ up in the swimming pool, dia terapung-apung menelentang di dlm kolam renang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |