commitment | c. promise, engagement that restricts freedom of action, janji, komitmen: their ~ to support the government was welcome, janji mereka utk menyokong kerajaan dialu-alukan; I’m afraid I won’t be able to attend your dinner party because of prior ~s, saya minta maaf saya tdk dapat menghadiri jamuan makan malam puan krn saya ada janji yg telah saya buat terlebih dahulu; we would like to help but then we have other ~s, kami ingin membantu tetapi kami ada komitmen lain; 2. state of being obligated or bound, komitmen, iltizam: his ~ to the peace movement, komitmennya kpd pergerakan keamanan itu; the project would not have been successful without the ~ of the staff, projek itu tdk akan berjaya tanpa komitmen kakitangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commitment | n 1. a. obligation, responsibility that restricts freedom of action, tanggungan, komitmen: the reason he gave for not wanting to get married was that he didn’t want any ~s, alasan yg diberikannya mengapa dia tdk mahu berkahwin ialah dia tdk mahu ada tanggungan; my ~s prevent me from taking a holiday, tanggungan saya menyebabkan saya tdk boleh mengambil cuti; b. pledge to follow certain course of action, komitmen: the United States’s defence ~s to the Philippines, komitmen pertahanan Amerika Syarikat kpd Filipina; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concerned | adj 1. worried, bimbang: the parents are ~ for their children’s safety, ibu bapa bimbang ttg keselamatan anak-anak mereka; 2. interested, mementingkan: she was much too ~ with her social commitments, dia terlalu mementingkan komitmen sosialnya; 3. caring, mengambil berat: he was genuinely ~ for our well-being, dia benar-benar mengambil berat ttg kesejahteraan kami; 4. be about, berkenaan: this report is ~ with the use of preservatives in the preparation of processed food, laporan ini adalah berkenaan dgn penggunaan bahan pengawet dlm penyediaan makanan proses; 5. affected, involved, berkenaan: we managed to contact the people ~, kami dapat menghubungi orang-orang yg berkenaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |