company sergeant-major | n sarjan-mejar kompeni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brunt | n bahagian yg paling hebat: the ~ of the enemy attack fell on C Company, Kompeni C menerima bahagian yg paling hebat drpd serangan musuh; bear the ~ of, menerima bahagian yg paling hebat: the minister bore the ~ of the opposition’s attack, menteri itulah yg menerima bahagian yg paling hebat drpd serangan penentangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
line 1 | ~ up, berbaris: ~ up in single file!, berbaris dlm satu barisan!; ~ so. up, a. cause so. to form into line(s), (act.) membariskan sso; (pass.) sso berbaris: the company was ~d up outside the headquarters, kompeni itu berbaris di luar markas; b. (colloq) arrange for so. to participate in an event, membariskan sso: they’ve ~d up an impressive cast for the play, mereka telah membariskan pelakon-pelakon yg hebat utk drama itu; ~ st up, a. place st in a row, /membariskan, menderetkan/ sst: she ~d up all the jars on the shelf, dia membariskan semua balang di atas rak; b. organize st, mengatur sst: some great shows have been ~d up for tonight’s broadcast, beberapa rancangan yg hebat telah diatur utk siaran malam ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
company | n 1. number of persons gathered together, kumpulan: a ~ of farm workers, sekumpulan pekerja ladang; 2. companionship, menjadi teman: I had the pleasure of his ~ throughout the journey, saya gembira krn dia menjadi teman saya sepanjang perjalanan itu; she enjoys their ~, dia seronok krn mereka menjadi temannya; 3. guest, (te)tamu: we are expecting ~ for the weekend, kami menunggu-nunggu tamu pd hujung minggu ini; 4. organization for purposes of business, trade, syarikat: a holding ~, syarikat pemegangan; a publishing ~, syarikat penerbitan; 5. group of actors, dancers, etc, kumpulan: a theatrical ~, kumpulan teater; 6. small unit of troops, kompeni; 7. also ship’s ~, officers and crew of ship, kompeni; 8. unit of Girl Guides, pasukan; 9. (in title of firm) Co., co., Syarikat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |