compost | vt 1. make into compost, membuat kompos; 2. put compost on, membajai [n] dgn kompos. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
compost | n kompos; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fertilize, fertilise | vt 1. make fertile, menyuburkan; (with manure, fertilizer) membaja(i), menyuburkan: horse manure will ~ your roses, tahi kuda akan menyuburkan pokok bunga mawarmu; to ~ the soil with compost, membajai tanah dgn kompos; 2. a. pollinate, mendebungakan: bees ~ flowers, lebah mendebungakan bunga; b. inseminate, mensenyawakan: the male fish ~s the eggs, ikan jantan mensenyawakan telur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fatten | vt 1. also ~ st up, cause st to grow fat (esp animals) menggemukkan sst: to ~ the turkey for Christmas, menggemukkan ayam belanda utk Krismas; 2. (soil) menyuburkan: compost will ~ the soil, kompos akan menyuburkan tanah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | ~ down, a. separate into component/s, dapat dibahagikan terbagi; (tech) mengurai: the budget for the project ~s down into wages, material and printing costs, anggaran belanjawan projek itu terbagi kpd gaji, perbelanjaan bahan dan kos cetak; water ~s down into hydrogen and oxygen, air mengurai menjadi hidrogen dan oksigen; b. undergo decomposition, reput, terurai: after a time, the fallen leaves and grass-cuttings will ~ down into compost, sesudah beberapa lama, daun-daun yg luruh dan keratan-keratan rumput akan reput menjadi kompos; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |