contractor | n kontraktor: a building ~, kontraktor binaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
haul(ier), (US) hauler | n 1. (person) kontraktor pengangkutan; 2. (firm), syarikat pengangkutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
haulage | n 1. act of transporting, pengangkutan: ~ contractor, kontraktor pengangkutan; 2. charge for transportation, bayaran pengangkutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
general | 4. not specialized, am; (of reader) umum: ~ knowledge, pengetahuan am; ~ science, sains am; ~ contractor, kontraktor am; books for the ~ reader, buku-buku utk pembaca umum; 5. prevalent, umum: words in ~ use, perkataan-perkataan dlm penggunaan umum; 6. not detailed, umum: your essay is far too ~, esei kamu terlalu umum; 7. rough, not definite, kasar: you don’t have to explain in detail, just give me the ~ idea, kamu tdk perlu menerangkannya secara terperinci, beri saya gambaran kasar | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
estimate | n 1. calculation of the approximate amount, size, etc, anggaran: I can only give you a rough ~ of the cost, saya hanya dapat memberi kamu anggaran kasar kos itu; an ~ of the expenditure, anggaran perbelanjaan; at a rough ~, secara kasar: at a rough ~ there will be two million unemployed graduates by the end of this year, secara kasar, siswazah menganggur akan berjumlah 2 juta orang pd hujung tahun ini; 2. statement of the probable cost, anggaran: three contractors gave us three different ~s, tiga kontraktor memberi kami tiga anggaran yg berbeza; 3. judgement (about so. or st) penilaian: his ~ of our capabilities was very favourable, penilaiannya ttg kebolehan kamu sangat baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |