convoy | n konvoi: a ~ of destroyers, konvoi kapal pembinasa; in ~, beriring-iringan: trucks travelling in ~, trak yg dipandu beriring-iringan; under ~, diiringi konvoi: oil-tankers sailing under ~, kapal-kapal minyak yg berlayar diiringi konvoi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | 9. cause to explode, meletupkan: the mine blew the army convoy to bits, periuk api itu meletupkan konvoi tentera itu hingga berkecai; 10. (of whale) menyemburkan, memancutkan: whales ~ water through a hole in their heads, ikan paus menyemburkan air melalui lubang di kepalanya; 11. (sl) spend freely, squander, menjolikan, menghabiskan: he blew his pay at the casino, dia menghabiskan wang gajinya di kasino; 12. (sl) use an opportunity ineffectively, melepaskan: two chances to win and he blew them both, dua peluang utk menang dan dia melepaskan kedua-duanya; 13. (sl) leave in a hurry, cabut dr: to ~ town after running up huge debts, cabut dr bandar selepas berhutang dgn banyak; 14. (sl) inhale narcotic drug, menyedut, menghisap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | ~ through st, penetrate st a. (with force) merempuh sst: the crowd broke through the barriers, orang ramai telah merempuh rintangan; the convoy had to ~ through the German blockade, konvoi itu terpaksa merempuh sekatan Jerman; b. (of sun, moon, etc) menembusi sst: the sun broke through the clouds, cahaya matahari menembusi awan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accompany | vt 1. go or come with, a. (person) menemani, mengawani; (fml) mengiring(i): to ~ so. on a journey, menemani sso (sewaktu) dlm perjalanan; the Prime Minister was accompanied by two cabinet ministers, Perdana Menteri telah diiringi oleh dua orang menteri kabinet; b. (ship etc) mengiring(i): the warships ~ing the convoy, kapal perang yg mengiringi konvoi; 2. be put with [often pass. in Malay] disertakan bersama: a manual accompanies each set, sebuah buku panduan disertakan bersama setiap set; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
detach | he ~ed the frame from the picture, dia menanggalkan gambar itu dr bingkainya; to ~ the hose from the tap, menanggalkan hos dr paip; c. (by uncoupling) memisahkan: to ~ a coach from the train, memisahkan gerabak dr kereta api; d. (by releasing) melepaskan: the boat was ~ed from its moorings, bot itu dilepaskan dr tambatannya; 3. (mil) send on separate mission, memisahkan dr + approp n: the platoon was ~ed to harass the enemy, platun itu dipisahkan dr pasukan induknya utk mengganggu pihak musuh; a destroyer was ~ed to protect the convoy, sebuah kapal pembinasa dipisahkan dr armada itu utk melindungi konvoi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |