costume | n 1. (as worn by actors, performers or people at a fancy dress party, etc) kostum: when I went to the dressing room, she was still in her ~, semasa saya ke bilik persalinan, dia masih memakai kostumnya; 2. clothes worn at particular period or in particular country, pakaian: he was dressed in national ~, dia memakai pakaian kebangsaan; Elizabethan ~, pakaian zaman Ratu Elizabeth; 3. (theatre or film) work involved in making clothes, kostum: who is in charge of ~?, siapa yg mengurus kostum?; 4. swimming costume, baju mandi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wardrobe | n 1. tall cupboard for hanging clothes, almari pakaian: her ~ is full of expensive dresses, almari pakaiannya penuh dgn pakaian yg mahal-mahal; 2. a collection of clothes, koleksi pakaian: she has a large ~ of evening dresses, dia mempunyai koleksi pakaian malam yg banyak; she bought a whole new ~ for her wedding, dia telah membeli koleksi pakaian yg baru utk hari perkahwinannya; 3. stage costumes, koleksi kostum: she is in charge of ~ for the school play, dia bertanggungjawab mengendalikan koleksi kostum utk persembahan drama sekolah itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |