Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : Id kawasan sesuatu kota dan pen­tadbirannya. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata kota besar


Hari mana mengayak abu,
     Hari tuan mengayak pasir;
Bagaimana bercerai ibu,
     Bagai roboh kota besar.

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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

flowb. (of persons) pengaliran: the ~ of young people from the countryside to the cities, pengaliran orang muda dr kawasan luar bandar ke kota-kota besar; 2. rise of the tide, (air) pasang: the ebb and ~ of the sea, pasang surut air laut; on the ~, sedang /naik, pasang/; 3. continuous stream (of words) curahan: a ~ of angry words, curahan kata-kata marah; in full ~, sedang bercakap dgn lancar; the ~ of conversation, kelancaran perbualan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
amusementn 1. st that amuses, hiburan: a big city offering many ~s, sebuah kota besar yg menawarkan berbagai-bagai hiburan; one of his favourite ~s, salah satu hiburan yg digemarinya; 2. pleasant diversion, entertainment, menghiburkan (hati): she paints for her own ~, dia melukis utk menghiburkan hatinya sendiri; 3. state of being amused, (rasa) geli hati: she couldn’t hide her ~ when I fell into the pool, dia tdk dapat menyembunyikan rasa geli hatinya apabila saya terjatuh ke dlm kolam itu; 4. act of amusing, penghiburan, menghiburkan (hati): she had many plans for the ~ of the children during the holidays, rancangannya banyak utk menghiburkan anak-anaknya semasa cuti sekolah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
enticementn 1. act of enticing, penarikan, ditarik; 2. st that entices, tarikan: the big city offers many ~s, kota besar itu menawarkan tarikan yg banyak.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
Allb. (with n only) i. consisting solely of, semata-mata: she thinks life in the city is ~ feasting and dancing, sangkanya hidup di kota besar semata-mata berpesta dan menari; this piece of meat is ~ bone, potongan daging ini tulang semata-mata; ii. (as intensifier), [usu not translated]: the girl was sitting ~ huddled up in the corner, gadis itu duduk meringkuk di sudut; their drinking-water had ~ gone, air minum mereka sudah habis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
asb. (cause) kerana, oleh sebab: it is impossible to reach the village ~ the road is blocked, tdk mungkin kita dapat sampai ke kampung itu kerana jalan ke sana terhalang; ~ you have apologized, I will forget the matter, kerana saudara telah meminta maaf, saya akan melupakan perkara itu; c. (circumstances), (foll pres p) oleh sebab, kerana: living in the city ~ I do, I am accustomed to such things, oleh sebab saya tinggal di kota besar, hal-hal spt itu sudah biasa bagi saya; 4. (indic time), a. when, (se)waktu, ketika, sambil: she smiled ~ she received the gift, dia tersenyum sewaktu (dia) menerima hadiah itu or dia menerima hadiah itu sambil tersenyum; b. also just ~, sebaik saja: just ~ the door opened, a rifle-shot rang out, sebaik sahaja pintu itu terbuka, kedengaran tembakan senapang; c. while, sewaktu, semasa, sambil:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
big2. important in influence, standing, wealth, besar: a ~ businessman in the city, ahli perniagaan besar di kota itu; 3. of great significance, besar: the ~ issue of the day, isu besar pd masa itu; a ~ problem, masalah besar; 4. momentous, outstanding, penting: this is the ~ moment of your life, saat penting dlm hidupmu; 5. filled, brimming, a. (with tears) digenangi, dilinangi: eyes ~ with tears, mata yg digenangi air mata; b. (with sadness) dirundung: a heart ~ with sadness, hati yg dirundung kesedihan; 6.(of voice) besar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
capital 1 adj 1. punishable by death, hukum bunuh: ~ offence, kesalahan hukum bunuh; 2. extremely serious, besar: ~ error, kesilapan besar; 3. (of letter) besar: ~ letter, huruf besar; 4. (econ) modal: ~ accumulation, penumpukan modal; ~ flight, larian modal; ~ formation, pembentukan modal; ~ reserve, /cadangan, rezab/ modal; authorised ~, modal dibenarkan; 5. chief, ibu: ~ city, ibu kota;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grandadj 1. magnificent, impressive in appearance or size, etc, a. (of structure, building, mountain, etc) tersergam /indah, megah/: a ~ castle, istana kota yg tersergam megah; b. (of part of building) besar lagi indah: the ballroom in which the reception was held was very ~, dewan tari-menari tempat majlis itu diadakan sangat besar lagi indah; c. (of view) terbentang indah: he was awestruck by the ~ panorama of mountains and lakes, dia kagum melihat pemandangan gunung-ganang dan tasik yg terbentang indah; 2. marked by magnificence, display, sumptuousness, besar-besaran:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
controlvt 1. command, menguasai: he ~s a large industrial concern, dia menguasai industri yg besar; the state was once ~led by the British, negara itu pernah dikuasai Inggeris; 2. restrain, mengawal; (tears) menahan, mengawal: you must ~ your temper, kamu mesti mengawal perasaan marah; she could not ~ her tears, dia tdk dapat menahan air matanya; 3. regulate, mengawal: to ~ the flow of water, mengawal aliran air; the rents in the city are ~led, sewa di kota dikawal;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
awaye. far removed from, jauh dr: a little house in the country ~ from the bustle of city life, rumah kecil di desa, jauh dr kesibukan kota; he sat near the window, ~ from his ex-wife, dia duduk dekat tingkap, jauh dr bekas isterinya; ~ with you, pergi, nyah engkau; ~ with /him, them, etc/, bawa /dia, mereka, dsb/ pergi; /far, out/ and ~, a. (preceding compar) jauh lebih: they are both brilliant, but Salleh is far and ~ the more brilliant of the two, mereka kedua-duanya pandai tetapi antara kedua-duanya itu, Salleh jauh lebih pandai; b. (preceding superl), [not translated]: Malaysia is far and ~ the world’s biggest producer of natural rubber, Malaysia ialah pengeluar getah asli yg paling besar di dunia; miles ~, (fig.) day-dreaming, sedang /melamun, mengelamun, berkhayal/; /right, straight/ ~, sekarang juga; (promptly), (dgn) segera, dgn serta-merta, cepat-cepat: I’ll go right ~, saya pergi sekarang juga; you must tell me straight ~ if you feel ill, kamu mesti memberitahu saya dgn segera jika kamu berasa kurang sihat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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