cream | n 1. fatty part of milk, krim; (of coconut) pati santan: butter is made from ~, mentega dibuat drpd krim; whipped ~, krim putar; 2. containing fatty part of milk, berkrim: ~ cakes, kek berkrim; 3. creamlike substance, krim: face ~, krim muka; 4. best part, (approp n) + yg terbaik; (of story, joke) intisari: this class is the ~ of the school, kelas ini ialah yg terbaik di sekolah ini; the ~ of society, golongan elit; 5. (colour), (warna) putih kuning; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cream | vt 1. remove cream from, membuang krim drpd: to ~ the milk, membuang krim drpd susu; 2. blend by stirring or beating, memutar; ~ the butter and sugar, putar mentega dan gula; 3. mash (potato etc) and mix with milk, butter, etc, memutar; 4. (US), (sl) defeat, lipat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creaminess | n 1. quality of being rich in cream, /kaya, penuh/ dgn krim: the ~ of the custard, kastard yg kaya dgn krim; 2. (of voice) kelunakan; 3. (of colour) putih kuning; 4. quality of being soft and smooth, kelembutan dan kehalusan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creamy | adj 1. containing much cream, penuh berkrim: this brand of milk is ~, susu jenama ini penuh berkrim; 2. soft and smooth like cream, bak krim; (of complexion) lembut dan halus: ~ soup, sup bak krim; a ~ mixture, campuran bak krim. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extrude | vt 1. (fml) squeeze or force out, memicit keluar: to ~ cream from a tube, memicit krim dr tiub; 2. (tech) shape (metal, plastic etc) through a die, menyemperit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
churn | vt 1. agitate in a churn, menggodak: butter is made by ~ing cream, mentega dibuat dgn menggodak krim; 2. make by agitating cream, menggodak: to ~ butter, menggodak mentega; 3. also ~ up, agitate violently, memusarkan, mengisarkan: the ship’s propellers ~ed the water, kipas kapal itu memusarkan air; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indulgence | n 1. st that is indulged in, menurutkan hati; (habitually) kegemaran, kesukaan: ice-cream is my only ~, ais krim ialah satu-satunya kegemaran saya; 2. act of, a. (indulging os) menurutkan hati; b. (indulging so.) menurutkan kemahuan; (habitually) memanjakan, menurutkan (segala) kehendak: he has, by his constant ~, made his children thoughtless and selfish, krn dia selalu memanjakan anak-anaknya, mereka menjadi tdk bertimbang rasa dan mementingkan diri sendiri; 3. (RC) pengampunan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freeze | vt 1. cause to solidify or be converted to ice, membekukan: she froze the ice-cream in the refrigerator, dia membekukan ais krim itu di dlm peti sejuk; the cold weather has frozen the pond, cuaca sejuk telah membekukan air kolam itu; ~ so’s blood, menyebabkan sso berasa amat takut; 2. cover with ice, melitupi dgn ais: many of the roads up north are frozen, jalan raya di utara kebanyakannya dilitupi ais; 3. clog with ice, menyebabkan [n] tersumbat akibat ais: the sudden cold spell froze the water pipes, cuaca yg tiba-tiba menjadi sejuk menyebabkan paip air tersumbat akibat ais; ; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
artificial | adj 1. man-made, not natural or real, a. (gen) tiruan, buatan: ~ wood, kayu tiruan; ~ silk, sutera tiruan; ~ fertilizer, baja tiruan; ~ cream, krim tiruan; ~ rubber, getah tiruan; ~ light, cahaya lampu; b. (f flower) palsu, tiruan, buatan; c. (of gem, jewellery, etc) palsu, tiruan, buatan: ~ diamond, berlian palsu; d. (of body parts, internal organ) palsu, tiruan; (tech) tiruan: ~ limb, anggota palsu; ~ teeth, gigi palsu; ~ heart, jantung tiruan; e. (of geographical feature) buatan: ~ lake, tasik buatan; ~ meadow, tanah pamah buatan; 2. insincere, affected, dibuat-buat; (of person) suka berpura-pura: an ~ smile, senyuman yg dibuat-buat; to greet so. with ~ friendliness, menyambut sso dgn kemesraan yg dibuat-buat; a frivolous and ~ woman, wanita yg keanak-anakan dan suka berpura-pura. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dairy | n 1. building, room, where milk is stored and milk products made, tempat menyimpan hasil tenusu; 2. shop selling dairy products, kedai hasil tenusu; 3. (attrib) tenusu: ~ cattle, lembu tenusu; ~ cream, krim tenusu; ~ farm, ladang tenusu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |