ethnic | adj 1. rel to racial, tribal or national group, etnik: ~ groups, kumpulan-kumpulan etnik; 2. traditional, asli, tradisional: ~ dances, tarian-tarian asli; ~ music, muzik tradisional. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
declaim | vi 1. utter in rhetorical manner, approp v + dgn gaya /berpidato, yg retorik/: he was ~ing about corruption among certain groups, dia bercakap dgn gaya yg retorik ttg rasuah di kalangan kumpulan-kumpulan tertentu; 2. recite, berdeklamasi: give him a chance and he will ~ for hours, sekiranya diberi peluang dia akan berdeklamasi berjam-jam lamanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
group | n 1. number of people or things considered as a unit, kumpulan, kelompok; (of animals, buildings, trees, etc) kelompok: a ~ of students gathered outside the hall, sekumpulan pelajar berkumpul di luar dewan; children in the same age ~, kanak-kanak dlm kumpulan umur yg sama; what blood ~ are you?, apakah kumpulan darah kamu?; Sanskrit belongs to the Indo-European ~ of languages, Sanskrit termasuk dlm kumpulan bahasa Indo-Eropah; we came upon a ~ of monkeys near the waterfall, kami terjumpa sekelompok monyet dekat dgn air terjun; 2. a number of musicians who perform together, kumpulan: the hottest rock ~ in the country, kumpulan rock yg paling hangat di negara ini; 3. (of business companies) kumpulan: the Sime Darby ~, kumpulan Sime Darby; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assemblage | n 1. collection, assembly, kumpulan: an extraordinary ~ of personages, kumpulan luar biasa orang-orang terkemuka; an ~ of species of the same genus, kumpulan spesies yg sama genusnya; 2. act of, a. (bringing together) pengumpulan, penghimpunan; b. (fitting together parts of) pemasangan; 3. (art) assemblage. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fleet1 | n 1. a. group of warships or merchant ships, armada; b. group of fishing boats, kumpulan: the fishing ~ is leaving the harbour, kumpulan kapal nelayan itu sedang meninggalkan pelabuhan; 2. all the warships, submarines of a nation, (kapal) angkatan laut; 3. number of aircraft, ships, etc under the same ownership, kumpulan + approp n: there are twenty Boeing 747’s in our ~, terdapat dua puluh Boeing 747 dlm kumpulan kapal terbang kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
batch | n 1. set, amount of, a. (usu of similar things) kumpulan: buns which are baked in ~es of fifty, ban yg dibakar dlm kumpulan lima puluh biji; a ~ of letters from the head office, sekumpulan surat dr ibu pejabat; b. (of persons) kumpulan, kelompok: a ~ of new recruits, kumpulan rekrut baru; 2. cakes, loaves, etc, produced at one baking, kumpulan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
integrate | vt 1. cause to become part of a larger group, mengintegrasikan: attempts have been made to ~ thousands of foreign labourers into the labour organization, usaha telah dijalankan utk mengintegrasikan beribu-ribu buruh asing ke dlm pertubuhan buruh itu; 2. combine into a whole, menyepadukan, mengintegrasikan: to ~ the various splinter groups within the party, menyepadukan kumpulan-kumpulan serpihan dlm parti itu; 3. join (st) to st else as a part or element, mengintegrasikan: to ~ ideas that are considered revolutionary into the syllabus, mengintegrasikan gagasan-gagasan yg dianggap membawa pembaharuan ke dlm sukatan pelajaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
constellation | n 1. buruj; 2. (fig.) kumpulan: a ~ of film stars, kumpulan bintang filem. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
company | n 1. number of persons gathered together, kumpulan: a ~ of farm workers, sekumpulan pekerja ladang; 2. companionship, menjadi teman: I had the pleasure of his ~ throughout the journey, saya gembira krn dia menjadi teman saya sepanjang perjalanan itu; she enjoys their ~, dia seronok krn mereka menjadi temannya; 3. guest, (te)tamu: we are expecting ~ for the weekend, kami menunggu-nunggu tamu pd hujung minggu ini; 4. organization for purposes of business, trade, syarikat: a holding ~, syarikat pemegangan; a publishing ~, syarikat penerbitan; 5. group of actors, dancers, etc, kumpulan: a theatrical ~, kumpulan teater; 6. small unit of troops, kompeni; 7. also ship’s ~, officers and crew of ship, kompeni; 8. unit of Girl Guides, pasukan; 9. (in title of firm) Co., co., Syarikat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
agglomeration | n 1. act of agglomerating, a. (gen) pengumpulan; b. (tech) pengaglomeratan; 2. confused mass, a. (gen) kumpulan, kelompok; b. (of ideas, facts, details) bauran, adukan: an ~ of ideas thrown together without regard to style, bauran pelbagai idea yg dicampuradukkan tanpa menghiraukan gaya penulisan; c. (of st piled, heaped up) longgokan, timbunan; 3. cluster, kelompok, kumpulan; (of island, stars) gugusan, kumpulan: a city surrounded by an ~ of suburbs, sebuah kota yg dikelilingi oleh kelompok-kelompok kawasan pinggir bandar; an ~ of sky scrapers, kumpulan bangunan pencakar langit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |