capital gain | n laba modal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
capital gains tax | n cukai laba modal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gain | n 1. profit, laba, keuntungan: love of ~, suka mencari keuntungan; to invest a lot of money in property with the hope of ~, melaburkan wang yg banyak dgn membeli harta utk mendapatkan keuntungan; 2. advantage, improvement, [various translations]: his loss is our ~, kerugiannya ialah keuntungan kita; the compromises reached and the ~s achieved at the summit, tolak ansur dan kemajuan yg dicapai di sidang kemuncak itu; the Labour Party’s ~s in the election surprised many people, pertambahan kerusi bagi Parti Buruh dlm pilihan raya itu memeranjatkan ramai orang; a ~ in confidence, bertambah yakin; 3. act of gaining, acquisition, pemerolehan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inflationary | adj 1. of, rel to inflation, inflasi: ~ gains, laba inflasi; ~ pressure, tekanan inflasi; 2. causing inflation, /menyebabkan, mengakibatkan/ inflasi: ~ policies, dasar-dasar yg menyebabkan inflasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gain | vi 1. derive benefit, beruntung, menguntungkan; (in form of profit) mendapat /keuntungan, laba/: he will ~ in the long run by his patience, dia akan beruntung akhirnya sekiranya dia bersabar; she will definitely ~ from the experience, pengalaman itu tentu saja menguntungkannya; since I put up the capital, I expect to ~ from the venture, oleh sebab saya yg mendahulukan modal, saya berharap akan mendapat keuntungan drpd urusniaga itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gain | 4. increase in amount, size, power, etc, pertambahan, bertambah: the baby’s ~ in weight, berat badan bayi yg bertambah; sales aggregated 10,000 tons this year, a ~ of 3% over 1987, jualan tahun ini berjumlah 10,000 tan, pertambahan sebanyak 3% berbanding dgn jualan pd tahun 1987; 5. (in pl) profits, winnings, laba, keuntungan: capital ~s, keuntungan modal; export ~s increased this year, laba eksport bertambah tahun ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |