again | adv 1. once more, lagi, sekali lagi: it won’t happen ~, perkara itu tdk akan berlaku lagi; say that ~, katakan sekali lagi; the baby is crying ~, bayi itu menangis lagi; 2. over again, semula: as many errors were found in the letter, she was asked to type it ~, oleh sebab banyak kesilapan yg terdapat dlm surat itu, dia disuruh menaipnya semula; 3. back to original position, state, etc, semula: she is well ~, dia sihat semula; the plant is operating ~, loji itu berjalan semula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
encore | n permintaan utk + approp v + sekali lagi; /get, receive/ an ~, diminta mengulangi + approp n, diminta + approp v + sekali lagi: he received four ~s, empat kali dia diminta mengulangi nyanyiannya or empat kali dia diminta bernyanyi sekali lagi; give an ~, memberikan + numeral lagi: the pianist gave two ~s, pemain piano itu memberikan dua persembahan lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
afresh | adv sekali lagi, semula: let’s start ~, marilah kita mulakan sekali lagi; to do st ~, membuat sst semula. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
double-check | vt memeriksa /sekali lagi, dua kali/; (st written) menyemak /sekali lagi, dua kali/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
encore | vt meminta mengulangi + approp n, meminta + approp v + sekali lagi: the audience ~d the pianist, para penonton meminta pemain piano itu mengulangi permainannya or para penonton meminta pemain piano itu memainkan lagu itu sekali lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
encore | interj (sekali) lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | you must ~ over your lessons in the evening, kamu mesti mengulang or melihat kembali pelajaran kamu pd sebelah malam; d. work on top of st, approp v + sst sekali lagi; (stitches) membalas sst: ~ over the letters with red ink, ikut huruf-huruf itu sekali lagi dgn dakwat merah; you have to ~ over the stitches so that the seam does not split open, kamu terpaksa membalas jahitan itu supaya kelimnya tdk terbuka; e. clean st, membersihkan sst: she only had time to ~ over the room quickly with a broom, dia hanya ada masa utk membersihkan bilik itu cepat-cepat dgn penyapu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cherry | have /another, a second/ bite at the ~, (colloq) dapat peluang utk mencuba sekali lagi; lose o’s ~, (sl) hilang dara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bugger | ~ /it, you /, (sl) celaka: ~ it! I’ve dropped the torch again, celaka! Lampu suluh jatuh sekali lagi; ~ me, (expressing surprise) masya-Allah: ~ me! I’ve never seen such an ugly woman, masya-Allah! Belum pernah saya melihat wanita sehodoh itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | d. examine, investigate, meneliti: he wants to ~ into the proposal once again, dia mahu meneliti cadangan itu sekali lagi; e. discuss, membincangkan: we will not ~ into details, kita tdk akan membincangkan hal-hal yg terperinci; ~ into a decline, a. become weak because of illness, semakin uzur; b. deteriorate due to grief, (keadaan sso) menjadi buruk; c. (of business) semakin merosot; ~ into fits of laughter, /ketawa, gelak/ terbahak-bahak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |